Hey Guys!!!! Miss me?

May 01, 2010 10:47

LOL Those pics are my sisters and my feet... we got a little creative with the marker we found sitting on the table... XD

So you guys, how are you? I haven't posted in forever!!! I kinda miss it... but I was never really posting a whole lot to begin with right? LOL Well maybe I'll change that... hehe

Are you curious as to what I was doing whilst away? *hides* Don't hate me but... (I know most of my flist is JE fans...) but I got into Korean music and groups and stuff. I know I said I would fend them off with all my might so as not to switch fandoms... but I guess my might wasn't strong enough... LOL BUT DON'T WORRY!!! I haven't switched fandoms! I was worried that I would but I still love JE just as much as I did before, I promise!

And that brings me to the effing most funniest thing I've watched all day... XDDD You should totally watch it!

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Poor DaeRi!!! XDDD They get no love... LOL

From what I gathered (I don't know Korean) the girls were like saying the other three members where better than them... so then they got all like "We can be awesome too yo!" XDD And then it all just went downhill from there... XDDD

My favorite parts... Dae Sungs pigtails... rofl and Seung Ri being ganster on the toilet... *falls off chair* It's special. XP

Oh and I listened to Junsu's (Xiah's) new A-side from his new single... meh... it's ok. His voice is amazing as always, but I'm not a ballad person really. That's why it makes me sad that his solo's are always so boring to me... all but one I can think of (Xiatic which I LOVE) are ballads... *sniffles* Why can't you have more interesting songs Su Su????

And OMG the Tegomasu con goods... the pics I've seen of them... XDDDD OMG so cute!!!!

It's all hearts and elephants and cuteness I think I just got cavities... XDD I want the penlight so baaaaaaaaaaaad!!! It's so cute!! And the tote bag that has the same elephant design on it... Gosh... what I wouldn't give to go to one of their concerts... someday... *sigh* Oh and their new mini-album.... *hearts for eyes* In my mind, Tegomass can do no wrong... XDDD I really like the title track and Cheetah, Gorilla, Orangutan and Chu Chu Chu... I think Chu Chu Chu is my #1 fav though...

You should listen to them...

Arrggggg.... I was gonna embed the Pv and songs but they're not on youtube anymore and I don't feel like scouring the interwebs for them... *sigh* oh well....


Oh-chan VS Pan-kun... a must watch!!! When I'm done writing this post I'ma download it! Gosh I love Arashi... XDDD

And OMG Pi pi's gonna be in a movie!!!!! =DDDDD I'm so excited!!! And he's gonna be a boxer!!! *flails around* So far he's been a doctor, a con artist, a time traveler, a crazy highschooler, and delinquent highschooler, a highschooler bent on loosing his virginity, oh and a highschooler having an affair w/ a married woman... jeez... busy dude. XDDD But he's gonna be a boxer now!!! yay! This calls for a little picspamming... XDDD

Con artist Yamapi!

Chibi Pi! (his smile is so cute!!!)

O_O Don't know what to say but don't piss him off... XD

Gosh I loved Akira!!! Akira-Pi is the bestest evar!!!

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST... Docter Pi!!! OMG I love him in Code Blue 2... I'm almost done w/ it... a;sldkfja;sldf  it's so great!!!

*yamapi love* ♥♥♥

FT Islands new PV..... OMG I LOVE IT SO MUCH!! You should watch it!!!!!!!!!

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It sounds a little different from their usual stuff and I really like it!!! I flipped out when I saw the pv up on my flist a few days ago...

And OMG *flails around* Kurt from Glee was on Ellen not too long ago.... I love Kurt! He's my favorite!! I love Ellen... And now they come together!!! *becomes super fangirly* WATCH!!! O_O

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O_O... some American stuff... so rare... XDDDD Yup... I'm a gleek.... hehe

OMG this post is so long... LOL And it's just me flailing... XDDD I'll leave you be now..... hehe                 

*tegomass gave me cavities in my cavitie, pic spam, *oh-chan for the win, *i love pi-pi, *youtube makes a boring life more fun, *ftisland... love them or die!, *you should so listen to this song!, random flailing

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