livejournal, what is that.
No but really I do live, I'm just not writing fics or doing anything remotely productive in fandom land except reproducing more gay art to fulfill KHR's usual quota.
xfinal-fantasyx is my dA tag
♠I'm actually pretty active on yt too, since I translyricise and cover songs (not shared my channel here before but I'm happy enough to do it on dA so eh); I'm here at
gagadera on blogspot for my lyrics
Pimpage over, I watched the first episode of Tiger&Bunny just now and I'm severely unimpressed. Does it get intensely better after episode 1 or is that what I'm to expect thereafter, 'cause I won't waste my time giving it a go if anyone can tell me ;____;
Also, Ao no Exorcist anyone? Unspeakable amounts of love for this manga, and the anime isn't actually bad either (though Rin having Ikki's [Air Gear] voice helps /fangirl). Rin/Shiemi has officially captured my heart along with Bon/Kamiki and Shura/Yukio >__>
Excuse me whilst I go back to lurking on
game_thrones for theories now.