Oct 02, 2006 09:00
Have you ever tasted the raindrops?
Below white aged branches, here about,
Do not you sense my fear and doubt?
Side hand made rivers,cobblestone paths,
An old structure we prance about.
Upon the rolling hills, touched with dew,
Do not you see my hearts a'skew?
Beneath the thousand drops of rain,
Do not you see my silent pain?
Seek not my mournful heart kind breeze,
For you'll not find it amongst these trees.
It has been some time since I have updated in depth.
Recent life events for me are interesting to say the least.
My life is moving along at a pace I had not foreseen nor expected.
I thought I would feel differently.
I am in a place of awakening, understanding,
forgiveness and acceptance.
Those of you who are familiar with my inner workings will know these emotions are at times foreign to me.
We should never stop growing and learning.
I hope those of you I hold near and dear are fairing well,
if you are reading this now, I know you to hold me near and dear..
or simply have nothing better to do than read the rants of a misplaced gnome =)
I do miss you.
Being as my house is dead silent and I have so much on my mind,
I feel as if I could sit here and purge myself for a bit longer,
alas, I spare you, my loyal reader.
The time is now 9:22am.
It is raining, dreary, a bit cold, and quite perfect.
I must shower and ready myself for another meeting.
My job...well, it's never dull.
Good day to you.