oh yeah... i have an lj

Apr 04, 2004 11:39

HI EVERYONE. i'm not dead. so it's been a long ass while and i intend on posting alot more because i dont have a stressful quarter like i did last quarter. okay poause. IT JUST STARTED SNOWING IN ATHENS. WHAT THE FUCK. back to posting. like i was saying before it started snowing, this quarter is going to be easy peesy. i'm done with class at 11 m and w and 10 t, th and f. i know. and yet i'm taking 18 credit hours. thank you online math class and praticum that dosent start till april 22nd. OH, speaking of my online math class. the book (that costs 100 dollars but really i'm just buying software and a liscencing agreement) hasnt come in yet to college book store, or ANY book stores in athens for that matter. funny story: i have an EXAM which counts for 30% of my grade on MONDAY. as in tomorrow. isnt that HILARIOUS children?! granted it's on fractions and whole numbers but still, i suck goat shit at math and to have NO CLUE what i'm doing isnt going to help. there's one lucky bastard who has the book in the class. bitch. so the teacher e-mails us and is like the exam will go on as planned. but you can learn the lessons because the software is on your dorm computer. so after DOWNGRADING my quicktime (yes, i had to find a bootleg old copy of quicktime to make this shit software work) i find out that in order to even ACCESS the lessons i have to have the cds. those very same cds come with the BOOK. and oh yes, the book isnt IN yet. so basically, i'm fucked up the ass 8 ways to monday. okay on a happier note. i went to nyc for a part of spring break and saw peter and NIKKI. nikki, who i havent seen in FOUR YEARS. insanity. we had alot of fun. peter had to work some so nikki and i went shopping. tragedy. peter introduced me to my new best friend, student rush tickets! we saw wonderful town with DONNA MURPHY and JENNIFER WESTERFELT for 25 bucks a piece in the FOURTH ROW. so naturally, i just about died. and then the next night, after trucking it all over the theater district, i snuck into with peter to see bernadette peters in gypsy. we made it in time to see roses turn. so naturally, i died like 8 times over. litearlly, i walked in and there she was and it took my breath away. needless to say i didnt want to go back to ohio. i'm back and having a nice relaxing quarter so that's good. that's all for now because it's long and i have to go use the potty box. OH go check out http://www.whocutthecheez.com and click on theater of ignance it's AWESOME. shirley q. liquor is my new favroite time waster online. how you dirrin?
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