Courtesy of my new awesome LJ friend
startingfromnow ! :D
Rules of the game
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on ...
1.What got you into drama? What's your favourite thing about it?
Ahaha! I got into Drama the silliest way possible. There was this 'CCA screening' thing in my school, which basically makes you go through some practical auditions and stuff to see if you have strengths in any particular club or group or sport or whatever. I first came into my current school for the awesome Sciences program (which is totally ironic, since I'm into arts instead of sciences now, ehe), but I saw one of the teachers in charge of Drama promote the club really really well. I can't quite remember what she said to us, but I remember thinking something along the lines of "Oh wow. Awesome. LET'S TRY TO GET IN 8DDD" or something, hahaha. And by some miracle, I did! After that, any member of the Drama club (Its offically called Anderson Theater Circle, by the way, or ATC) would get almost-automatic permission to take Drama as an examinable subject. It sounded fun, so I did, and... That's pretty much where I am now.
I love so much about Drama. I can't possibly pick one, so I hope you don't mind me talking about a few of the things I like? I love the backstage work and all the prep work. Lights, sound, sets, costuming, makeup, hair. Acting's awesomely important, but all the famous plays wouldn't be what they are without all of the crew working their asses off to make the actors look good. I found an interest in hairstyling too! :D It feels great to have the actor go "Oh, yeah, it looks great! Thanks." and stuff, after you do their makeup or hair or something. Lights and sound are fantastic too, although not something I got do do a lot of. Its also the gigantic high you get off actually performing, and after it. Its like a huuuuge sugar rush! :DDD Also, its the bonds that you foster with the people you work with. Sticking with each other for about six hours a day, five/six days a week really does something, haha. I love all my drama friends, seniors and juniors a ton, they're like family to me. And not to mention all the luls you get out of things when something... Odd happens. Heh.
2. Toradora! I haven't read/watched it. Is it good? What do you like about it?
I personally watched the anime, so I'll just talk about that, yeah?
I thought it was a really nicely done one. Somewhat shoujo, somewhat slice of life. The characters are really great, not at all boring. They all have typical 'stereotypes', but by the end of the series, break through them. For example Minori isn't all genki-genki, she's got a serious side to her too. Although I have to say that even though the series is very good as a whole, the last three episodes or so kinda did it in for me D: Before them, I'd rate it a four or four-half star anime, but after the end... A three-half? I dunno, it felt disappointingly rushed = w= But still, I felt it was a really nicely done series, in terms of the storylines and characters and all, I loved the OP and EDs, both sets of them a lot! And the character songs I've seen of them lately are awesome too, I particularly like Ami and Minorin's, heh. Although the anime itself wasn't as realistic a piece as say, Honey and Clover, (which is a FANTASTIC anime, you totally have to watch it, its really nice!) it was still very much relatable to, and that I suppose, connects to the watcher/reader and makes them feel more for the characters and what happens to them. I particularly like Ami and Minorin, mostly because of the depth of their characters and stuff, which make them awesomely interesting to write for in fanfics and stuff. Taiga's great too, of course ;DD
So yes! Do watch it, Cassie puts her pawprint of approval on this one! 8D
3. Wow, Singapore! How is it there? Do you like living there, or will you move away someday?
I love Singapore. Yes, that's the topic sentence for the rest of the paragraph, so... The rest is just elaboration XD Singapore's really... Er... Warm. Hahaha. Near the equator, so all the humidity and heat gets to you sometimes. The weather of late isn't too bad, but we got a pretty sever heatwave somewhere around April. Paired with humidity, sometimes you just want to go kill yourself because of the damn heat. That, or lock yourself in the refridgerator. Other than that, if you love food, you should really really pay a visit to this country 8D I can safely say that we probably have almost every cusine under the sun :D Haha, but I personally can't take spicy food, so that's quite a section of the foods out = w= And yes, to wrap it all up, even through the heat and the stress of the life here, I love living in Singapore. Its really safe, which is an enormous plus point.
Ahh, actually, my dream is to be a teacher. (lol I know, seemingly irrelavant, but bear with me) However, I disagree with the way the education system in Singapore works. Its a lot of elitism and one-right-answer theories, which pushes most students into having similar mindsets, probably me included. I do want to teach, but probably not in Singapore. Which brings me back to the question. Actually, my dream is to teach in Japan, English preferably. Although I don't know very much about the way the education system there functions, but from what I've read and known, its rather different from the Singapore one, which is more or less what I want. Also, I love the culture and language in Japan, so I'd love to live there too. But for the sake of getting a good job, I'd probably have to do my degree in Singapore first, get a few years of experience, then think about moving. But I digress.
4.Shugo Chara, too! How did you find it? Who are your favourite characters? Are you a rabid Amuto fan?
Aha, Shugo Chara. Its just something I watch leisurely, so much that I can just leave it in one tab and do things in another, switching over to take a look once in a while. And this is while I know a very minimal amount of Japanese (laughs). Its fun and cute, and very standardly mahou-shoujo. I've heard of people dubbing it as the new-age Cardcaptor Sakura, and I have to say I don't agree completely, although I agree that its got the same general dynamics, but a lot of things differ between the two. I like it, watch it pretty much every week, but I'm not going to analyze it to death like I might Higashi no Eden or something. Fun, cute, moe at times, its got traps, chibis, why not?
Gosh I don't know o: I like Nagihiko/Nadeshiko. The. Best. Trap. Ever. A wonderful girl and an awesome guy, what more do you want? Hahah. I remember not really getting the trap bit till some friends of mine explaining it to me, but he's still awesome. I want his guardian characters to hatch soon, though D: I like the other characters too, but perhaps not as obsessively as I might like characters from other series. Say, Mayama and Ayu of Honey and Clover, Nagisa and Fuuko of CLANNAD, Hikaru of Magic Knight Rayearth, Gokudera and Yamamoto of Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn!, Kyouya and Honey of Ouran, and... The list just goes on, so I'll stop here P: (dang, I should really post a list of all these awesome characters some time.)
Rabid? No, probably not, heh. But I do prefer it to Tadamu o: The latter seems so much more like a platonic relationship, or at most, a platonic relationship where hormones are wrecking havoc. And Tadase's such a... -cough- Pansy. There, I said it! He totally is, I'm sorry, he just looks so feminine, I can't stand it! Ikuto's far hotter, ehe. And Amu seems to have far more Chemistry with him, or maybe that's just me.
5. Hmmm ... aha, Furuba! Something else I know :3 Have you been stamped as anyone yet? How far are you into the series? What's your favourite bit of the series?
No, sadly D: The votes seem to be leaning towards Ritsu though, much to my utter surprise. My friends linked me to Kagura before, ahah. I've finished the whole thing, and its one of the only manga series which I have the full set in beautiful, tangible paperback! Instead of reading them online, that is, heh. My friend lent a single copy (the first one) to me when I was ten or so, and I just left it there, only to pick it up when I was twelve or so. I didn't know how to read it then (ehe...), so I lost interest after a chapter and left it to collect dust for another two years. Then I picked it up again, and was totally hooked :D It became my first manga (my first anime was either Pokemon or Card Captor Sakura or Magic Knight Rayearth), and I bought all the other volumes of it after that.
Oh gosh, I love it all, just like almost everything else XD I remember crying a little at the part where Hatori was thinking back about Kana, and how he had to erase her memories, so that she wouldn't suffer. He's so brave and selfless ;_; Yuki and Machi's ending was particularly sweet too :D I liked the frame of the two of them walking, Machi holding Mogentai (sp?) and Yuki holding the fertilizer, and both of their hands intertwined in this really sweet way, ehe. The part where Akito came out of the closet (ahaha! I just liked saying that :D) was great too, when she appeared in her kimono with a flower in her hair, all feminine and pretty, to the absoulte shock of everyone else. And (dang, I can't remember who it was) asking if she had the same tendencies as Ritsu was awesome too XD The final-final ending was really nice too, how it wrapped up everyone, thinking about Tohru, and how Tohru and Kyo were in the last frame, holding hands, and walking down that path :DDD THEY DESERVE TO BE TOGETHER AFTER ALL THAT HELL.
Woah. I really did write a lot, aha. It was fun though. I love big blocks of text :D If you read through everything... Awesome o wo