i have the attention span of a goldfish
i cant get myself to pay attention for 50 minutes about things that are kinda important to me. its sad really.
anyway, this week looks like itll go by pretty quick, game on thurs, home on friday.
who else knew that that bomb last night was going to blow up? saw that coming from 100 miles away.
i cant wait for it to be windy and cold again, i would really like to go fly a kite.
1.Who was your first love?
hmmm. well im going to have to say chris lindley, though i really would rather not admit it
3. Who was your first prom date?
4. Who was your first roommate?
misha and heather, then angie (shudders)
5. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time?
bad rum, woke up with a rash from it
6. What was your first job?
day care at jazzercise
7. What was your first car?
volvo 240dl, the thing never dies
8. When did you go to your first funeral?
sophmore year of high school when jordan died
9. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown?
10. Who was your first grade teacher?
Mrs. Brownell, she dress up as a cow for halloween
11. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
Monroe, LA, shortly after i was born
12. Where did you go for your first date and who was it with?
the old-old movie theater (now a church) to see the falculty with chris (and steph, so maybe it wasnt a date, but i can t remember the one after that so this is what im calling it)
13. When you snuck out of your house for the first time?
i dont recall doing that
14. Who was the first person to send you flowers?
ive never had flowers sent to me... now im sad
15. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house?
T fuckin H
16. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
ryan, no useage of minutes required
17. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were in the wedding party?
Haven't been.
18. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
hit snooze
19. What was the first concert you ever went to?
'Nsync with steph, stacy, danielle and my dad
20. What was your first major surgery?
hmmm, i guess when i got my wisdom teeth out
21. At what age did you get your First tattoo or piercing?