Oct 09, 2007 23:55
So getting back into gear after the reading has been hard this week with a rather off time with work as well as housesitting. This week however will hopefuly be better and we'll see where I can take the short story project.
I was able to get a few ideas together for the remainder of the stories. The porject is called About Dan and it centres around the life of Dan told by people who knew him, some positively, some not so. I got the idea a few years ago when a person had passed away and a group of friends came together and shared some very intimate yet personal to each person stories. I caught on to the idea that we will each be remembered very differently by very different people and really caught on to the idea. I have finished roughly five stories already and hope to add five more by the end of the year.
I will have to see where this little journey takes me. I have an abundance of ideas right now that I have to collect (somehow a comic book is something I have a big interest in right now). Ah to be creative. :)
No books this time (Damn it, the Wii has taken over our house)