Story of Evil

Dec 13, 2010 12:51

My soul was set aflame'd with such outrage and passion at this that I had to go and drown myself in Youtube for a bit. Although to be fair he did try to cover his ass a little afterwards.

Story of Evil
- Complete arc summary

I. Daughter of Evil
+ Lyrics
+ English subs
+ More English subs

"Oh, it's tea-time again."
There was once a tyrant princess who lived in luxury and ruled a despairing country with an iron fist, her faithful servant by her side. Despite pleads from her citizens represented by a girl in red that they needed help, she simply dismissed them and continued on. One day she fell in love with a man from the country of blue, only to find out that he was in a relationship with a girl from the country of green. Filled with hatred, she ordered her servant to kill everyone from the country of green. This sparked off a war between the two countries, coupled with a civil uprising led by the girl in red. The princess was eventually captured and executed for her crimes.

II. Servant of Evil
+ Lyrics
+ English subs
+ More English subs, cover or fandub by Yamai. A slightly different version of events.
+ Instrumental and animated version

"She has always been trapped in a cage."
"This way, the cage will broken."
"You will finally be free."
In a kingdom somewhere a pair of identical twins was born to the royal couple. The girl was chosen as the future ruler while the boy became the faithful servant of his sister, carrying out her every command. One day the servant visited a neighboring country. He met and fell in love at first sight with a girl from the country of green there. Upon his return home, the princess ordered him to eliminate everyone from the country of green. He obeyed, his heart broken.

"We're identical twins, so it's all right."
This caused a war between the countries and a civil uprising. The boy exchanged places with his sister, donning her clothes and forcing her to escape. He then waited for the mob to break down the castle door and find him. He was captured and executed as the evil princess while his sister, disguised as him, watched in the crowd.

"If we could be reborn,
Let's be together again."
This is my favorite out of the entire arc, despite me tearing up everytime I watch it. On the other hand, I think this would be a great remake with black!Kiku/white!Kiku.

III. Regret: Message
+ Lyrics
+ English subs

A girl stands at the harbor in a small town. She releases a bottle containing her wish into the ocean, following the local legend that if one made a wish in a bottle and set it free into the ocean, the wish would come true. The waves gently carry it away, the fallen princess's thoughts to her brother who sacrificed himself for her. Filled with regret at the past, she makes another wish. If they were to be reborn...

IV. Daughter of White
+ Lyrics
+ English subs

In the the village of green there was a girl who was born with white hair. Ostracized by the others in her village for being different, she spent her days wishing for a friend. One day she met and became friends with the belle of the village, a girl with beautiful green hair and a kind heart.

The girl with white hair and the girl with green left the village together. They worked as servants of a wealthy family in another town and were happy. One day the girl of green met a man from the country of blue and fell in love. The man rejected the marriage proposal of another country's princess for the girl of green.

At the command of the rejected princess everyone in the village of green was killed, including the girl of white's only friend. Feeling that she should have been the one to die instead, the girl of white left and made her new home at an abandoned church near a harbor.

The girl of white met another girl at the harbor and they gradually became friends. One night she happened to overhear her new friend making a confession at the church and discovered that she was actually the evil princess who had ordered the massacre of the village of green and had somehow escaped her execution.

Seeking revenge for the girl of green, the white-haired girl saw the fallen princess by the beach. She took a knife and was about to plunge it into the princess's back when she stopped. She realized that both of them were the same, lonely and left with nothing but sorrow and regret. Something else at the beach had made her pause as well.

Who was that boy she had seen standing there?

V. Twilight Prank
+ Lyrics
+ Video, no subs

A pair of twins play by a lake, burying a secret chest in the sand there. At twilight a demon comes along and tries to eat them but they run away. The demon says, "Even if I were to swallow the whole world, I would still be hungry." Feeling pity for him, the boy shares his snack with him. The demon tells him the secret of the ocean in return. The boy promises his sister to share the secret with her later. The twins divide the twilight between them and form the sky together.

Let's have a happy ending:
-Daughter of Evil Happy ver
-Servant of Evil Happy ver
-Regret: Message Happy ver

From the "Clockwork Lullaby" series:
+ Clockwork Lullaby

orz, vocaloids

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