Food, glorious food.

Dec 12, 2009 11:59

Food nostalgia meme. I was a very picky eater(*) as a child, so you can imagine how hard I had to think about food I actually ate and not push away.

(*) Eg. spending an hour separating out the frozen mixed peas and carrots and corn from the dish before actually eating it. My parents must have had the patience of saints.

List 5 childhood foods that stick in your mind, explain the food, and list why, just WHY you think it was so important as to be memorable:
1. Half-boiled eggs.
I was forced to eat them for breakfast everyday when I was in the morning session during primary school. I even remember that my mother would break them in an plastic orange bowl and drip some soy sauce on top before giving them to me. And then I'd feel like throwing up for the rest of the day because sometimes the eggs would be more raw than cooked. =_= DEAR MOTHER, I AIN'T ROCKY.

2. Baked beans.
You know how little kids tend to throw up for the slightest things? A kid in class once hurled up his lunch onto his table right next to me, and I looked at the mess and thought about how it looked exactly like the baked beans. And in case you were wondering, I didn't do a follow-up act upon thinking that.

3. Chee cheong fun or rice noodle rolls.
There was this little old lady who went around estates selling chee cheong fun in two big metal containers balanced on both ends of a big wooden pole which she carried around on her shoulders. She often visited the housing block my late grandmother lived in. When my brother and I were kids and happened to be visiting her when the old lady came by, he would hurl himself down the stairs just to buy some to eat. Being the impressionable one I would follow suit, except seeing that I was also the clumsy one the hurling down the stairs often resulted in me doing many impressive rolls down it instead.

...I suspect that's one of the reasons why I was always dressed in hand-me-downs.

4. Economy rice with dishes.
In primary school, if you got to school early enough you could go place pre-orders for recess at the economy rice store in the canteen. It gave me such a sense of importance to collect my food at break-time without having to queue up with everyone else. SMALL CHILDREN HAVE SMALL SELF-ESTEEM OKAY.

5. Fish.
My mother would fry up this huge fish and give it to my brother. I would sit and watch in fascination as he then promptly proceeded to demolish it with his bare hands in the same way a starving cat would, right up to the licking of the fingers. And my mother would watch with satisfaction and tell me, "Now THAT'S the way to eat fish."

I still see this scene being played out at the dinner table about once a month, except now he's more civilized and uses cutlery instead. But not for the difficult bits.

Speaking of my mother, have a text she sent me the other day: "R u suffering at home?"

...I like to believe it's a tsundere thing.

okaasamaaaa orz, life, meme

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