So, about Bruno...
That was the first time in my life I stepped out of a cinema with such an empty feeling. ._. The advanced warnings were accurate, both for the cringe-worthiness of the film and the appearance of a certain part of the male anatomy (which also happened to be the literal representation of
this site.)
In short, I am now traumatized and may never quite recover again. ._.
* * *
APH drabbles! Most of which made sense at the time of writing but not so much now.
"The scones you served me when I went over to your house the other day, that was really disgusting."
-- America, Hetalia Ep 9
Japan demonstrates the art of diplomacy after his first afternoon tea at England's place.
To England:
"I can honestly say that there is nothing like this in my house."
To America:
"It reminded me of your coffee."
Back home:
"The English language is surely a fine thing to learn. But as for the their cuisine, I think it would be best if we were prudent, remained true to our culture and not overstep our boundaries."
* * *
"Japan, Japan! I just had this very bad dream and I can't get back to sleep but Germany isn't here and it's the season for tomatoes so Brother's over at Spain's place and I don't want to be alone, I can't sleep alone it's SCARY so can I sleep with you tonight? Please please please?"
"If you promise to put on some pants first."
It was around two in the morning when Japan woke up and wondered blearily when his blanket had grown arms. It was only when he managed to lean over enough to light a candle and look down that he saw it was Italy, arms wrapped firmly around Japan's waist and head burrowed into the shorter nation's stomach. (A glance further down confirmed that the man had somehow managed to lose his clothing again.)
* * *
So I heard from Italy that France? He so totally tried to make war on England's kitchen one day oh my gawd can you believe that? It's like so stupid! No, how should I know why he did that HELLO? It's France? And England? They're like, so totally hawt for each other and all? And he had like all these chefs with him and he just totally marched right in and get this, NEVER CAME OUT AGAIN.
W-Well of course he's still around, duh! He must have escaped or something, ha ha ha!
America told me it lasted maybe an hour? I do remember him saying that France retreated crying-- Poland! Poland, how many times do I have to tell you, no ponies in the house! I said no!
I'm sorry, where were we again?
It was HORRIBLE. The fridge, I swear it was the portal to Hell! There was this... this charred THING inside, this dark spawn of Satan! It had eyes! Worse, it had those monstrous caterpillars England calls eyebrows!
You must understand, I had to defend myself of course.
* * *
"--damned bloody gormless arsehole--"
"Such language, Angleterre.' France sighed. 'And Italy asks me why we call you
les goddams."
* * *
1. England has a bad habit of acquiring and then subsequently losing things: stationary, clothes, pets, wayward colonies... You name it, it's passed through his hands and gone again.
2. China is the same, although like England he would never admit it.
3. Japan smokes a
kiseru at home and always makes sure there's a pack of Mild Sevens in his pocket when he has to travel to some other nation's house for another of their endless world meetings.
He takes great care though, to never smoke in front of any of the younger and more impressionable nations such as Taiwan and Korea.
* * *
France stood up, eyes blazing and rose petals scattering.
"You," he bellowed. "Will eat my cheese. And you will LIKE IT."