Previously on the Appleby Legacy, money fell from the sky resulting in a home makeover, a vacation to the mountians, and a new dog! and after all of that excitement the kids grew up, and Kade was picked for heir! :)
I decided to give Kade one more shot at love, and bring him to the sports park again.
It seemed like he was on his game.
He even met a lovely lady!
But being Kade, his game wasn't good enough, and he was rejected :(
He's pretty much been through all the teenage girls in the town, so..., here we come!
Enter adorable cinematic college entrance.
Exit adorable cinematic college entrance.
Kade post makeover :)
This is where Kade is residing :) I'm loving yellow lately
He's a philosophy major. Fancy, no?
Kade can't get used to sharing bathrooms.
This was mainly why.
Iforgetyourname: Heeey, we met in the bathroom earlier. Nice plumming... in the bathroom...
Kade: *stares blankly*
Kade met lots of girls in the bathroom that day.
But he was too focused on studying to really notice the potential.
The first semester he focused on school, but everyday he was getting closer to adulthood so it was time to find a lady.
Frances was perfect for Kade! It was love at first sight! At least for Kade it was... but he wasn't going to give up that easily!
Kade: Have my children!
Frances: no.
Kade: Have my pancakes!
Frances: no.
Kade: Have my kisses!
Frances: no.
He even took up singing to attract Frances.
Kade: Have my children!?
Frances: still no.
Kade was tired of going to bed alone. It was time to take serious action. He had to dig deep (deep) down to find his charming side.
He decided to take it in steps (Something I like to call the s-f-ew or s-f-we if you prefer system) with Frances.
Step 1: Studying.
Step 2: School cheer. aka scaring the crap out of Frances and going back to...
Step 1: Studying. :O is that eye action I spot?!
Step 3: Friendly tickeling.
Step 4: Friendly friends
Step 6: Flirting :)
Step 7: First Kiss... followed by many more :)
Step 8: Engagement.
Final Step 9: Woohoo! In more ways than one :)
Time flies so fast! It's time for a...
Even Lydia and Talin *brainfart* Troy came to celebrate!
Just focus on your cup and you'll be fine :)
Enter party spam.
Exit party spam.
PFFFFFT... good time? more like way-awesome-amazing time.
And the obligatory adorable cinematic college exit.
And I leave you with...
Kade as an adorable Adult :)