The Appleby Legacy 1.2

Dec 13, 2009 14:50

Previously on The Appleby Legacy, Lydia met Troy Iforgetyourlastname and he moved in with a load of money, and they got married. Then Lydia caught some fireflies, gardened and finally had a lovely baby named Kade! Then out of the blue Troy got abducted by aliens, and when he came back some mysterious bells were playing in the background. Hmm.. I wonder what that means. *wink wink*

We all knew that one was coming.

Guess what!? Lydia's pregnant too. Bet you didn't see that one coming... maybe you did. You probably did.

Double pregnancy in the house is not fun. It was a blur.

Did I ever mention they live on a beach lot? It's gorgeous. But anywhoo... back to the legacy.

While these pregnancies were happening, Kade was neglected, so I just skipped to his birthday! YAY! Finally, he will be able to feed himself.

Last baby shot. Aww. Savour his cuteness.

Kade's got his own syncronized cheering squad.

*Start Kade's child spam*

His predestined hobby is tinkering. He got it from Lydia :)

Yay to feeding yourself!

*End Kade's child spam*

While Kade was feeding himself, Lydia decided to give birth.

To Twins!

The baby on the left is Talin (Reminiscent of Glee's husband, may his soul rest in my old computer in peace) and the baby on the right is Slater. After the gorgeous Christian Slater. Mmmm.

This is what both of the babies look like, except Slater has Troy's skintone. Gah. I hate his stage so much.

Soon after Lydia gave birth, Troy did! To a lovely...

... girl alien named Willow! I really need new alien defaults.

Lydia loves her just like her own :)

Since I hate the baby stage, just fast forward to the cute toddler stage.

Here's Slater, who is a bit "challenged" in the good looks department. Hopefully he grows into his features.

And here's Talin who's my definate favourite of the two.

And last but certianly not least, Willow who REALLY needs new defaults... even though they are kind of cute on her :)

*Start Toddler Spam*


Talin: LOOKIE AT ME! IM DRAWING! Willow: I'm cute.

Poor Slater. I leave him with the nanny for 5 minutes and his mood shoots down. Nannies are evil.

Lydia finally came home from work and got Slater's mood back to normal. and Slater got new hair because the old hair didn't suit him.

I'm a little concerned with Willow, shes always alone...

or passing out in the bathroom :(

But she does find things to amuse herself... like splashing in toilet water. yum.

Random shot of Talin and Lydia.
Lydia: Whats that on your face?

Finally! Birthday time for the twins!

I smell heir.

Now time for Slater!

Yay cheering squad!

So right when Slater grew up he had an accident in front of the toilet. This is not a good start at childhood.

Aww, poor Kade is neglected again, and is forced into child labour.

This is basically what he does with his childhood when I'm not forcing him to garden.
The neglect continues up until his birthday :)

No cheering squad :( Poor Kade.

Name? Kade Appleby
Aspiration? Romance. This'll be interesting.
Stats? 9-2-6-3-10
Chosen Hobby? Tinkering
Turns ons? Ubderwear, Black Hair
Turn Offs? Charasmatic
LTW? Become Hall Of Famer
I think he inherited Lydia's sulkability. I have to find him a mate(s) quick.

Turns out Willow and Kade have the same birthday, so Willow celebrated her last shread of toddlerdom eating sand on the beach.

Then Kade wisked her away and brought her to her birthday cake!

Yay to new defaults, the cuteness of Willow as a child, and the beautiful womrat appropriately named Panda!

I think Willow found herself a new friend.

So you ask where is Troy when all this is happening? well he's taken up some outdoor activities to pass the time.

He really likes to dig for treasure,

but most of the time he ends up hitting a water pipe.

This one time though, he got lucky and dug up a kitty statue which was the most money they've seen in a while. We need more friends for a promotion.

Hello gorgeous, whats your name?

Hello gorgeous #2. Also known as Armondo. Pronounced Arrrrrmondo, we can't forget to roll the r.

He is going to make his way into this legacy somehow because he is completely gorgeous. Is it just me or does Ar(roll the r)mondo look exactly like Channing Tatem. Shut up Lydia don't give me that look, he does so look like Channing Tatem.

Damn it. Lydia failed, that's what I get for making her act out of character. It wasn’t a huge fail though, because honestly Armondo, pull down your shirt, your belly button is showing. But I tell you, Ar(roll the r)mondo aka Channing Tatem will make his way into the legacy somehow. And since he was making it difficult for me....

I poisoned him with some moldy toaster pastry. butit wasn't all my fault, he was stupid enough to eat it.

I know what you all are thinking. "HOW CAN YOU MAKE LYDIA CHEAT ON INNOCENT TROY?" Don't worry, he was fishing at the time, and was completely oblivious. And just to show they still love eachother, I made a nice romantic fire.

See, AWW, look at how they look at eachother. :)

The next day came shortly, and all the children went to school.

And they came home with the lowest fun meters I've ever seen, so they played on the junglegym.

And went swimming!

And Talin was being friggenadorable playing with Panda.

And here are the obligatory homework shots. Stay in school kids.

Talin was good and did his homework early, but Slater was up until 2 in the morning. Tisk Tisk.

Kade was being neglected again, so i got him up early and headed off to a community lot to find him a mate :)

I sat him down with very good intentions, and THIS is what happened.

Poor Kade has terrible luck. After that massacre, he headed off to a different community lot.

Yay to sports parks. But honeslty... the best looking person he saw was ...

This guy. I mean he has a nice facial structure, and a lovely skintone... but the pink eye and combover. no. just no.

I let him stay on the lot for a bit longer *hoping* someone would come along.

No luck. But I think Kade was just happy that I got him out of the house, and spent some time with him :) Aww. But I was pissed he didn't find anyone...

so he began his long walk of shame home.

And I end the way I began... except at the beginnig you didn't know it was a walk of shame did you! :)

Oh well, at least it's a nice day.
Bye until next time! :)

the appleby legacy, sims 2

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