Trainspotting OSTを今日聞く。このCDを映画を見なかったら聞かない。
1. Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
4. Sleeper - Atomic
8. Lou Reed - Perfect Day
9. Pulp - Mile End
13. Underworld - Born Slippy
Ewan McGregorになされたこの映画は私の好みの俳優の1つになった。
Today I listen to the Trainspotting OST out of the blue. Honestly, I would not listen to any of the songs if I didn 't see the movie first. The movie made the songs work or vice versa. My favorites songs of this CD are:
1. Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
4. Sleeper - Atomic
8. Lou Reed - Perfect Day
9. Pulp - Mile End
13. Underworld - Born Slippy
This movie also made Ewan McGregor one of my favorite actor. (〃∇〃)
(No, I like him not because he showed me his private. XD)
Did you see this movie before?