Title: Match
bronze_ribbonsCharacter/Pairing: Snape/Tonks/Lupin
Genre/Warnings (as applicable): post-War angst
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Profit? What's that?
A/N: Part 4 of a mini-Snape/Tonks/Lupin-series I'm writing over at
30_hath, but can be read on its own. The earlier parts:
1 2 3 Snape likes to watch Tonks as she sets the table for dinner, and she knows it. It should be mundane, her waving of flatware and plates and candlesticks to their places, but Lupin is the only one of the three whose hands still retain any semblance of steadiness-the only one who can successfully strike a match without resorting to magic, and the only one who can be trusted around knives.
Lupin has always been the steadiest of the three, Snape muses- albeit always the weakest. At least, he used to think so-he had meant it, back when he’d sneered at Tonks about the guise of her changed Patronus. He still doesn’t believe he would ever willingly trust Lupin with his life-to save it, yes. To shield it, no.
He doesn’t believe that Tonks would either. Which helps him half-believe her claim that she wants him too.
The brightening of her face is like that of a lantern - for a moment, her happiness at Lupin’s safe return illuminates the entire room. And then it is gone, veiled by her awareness and theirs-that there is nowhere safe for unguarded joy, not even-and perhaps, not especially-- amongst themselves.