Title: Birds of a Feather
Author: sespotwood
Rating: Gen
Characters/Pairing Hermione, Ginny. Mentions of Harry and Ron/Draco
Challenge: Drabble the Drawble #18
Summary: Ginny meets Hermione’s new pets
Disclaimer: *disclaims*
A/N: This was written simply for fun and, as 99% of my drabbles are, is unbeta’d.
“Oh, they’re perfect,” Ginny cooed, sticking her finger through the bars of the bird cage. “Harry isn’t freaked out by them?”
“Why would my pets bother Harry?”
Ginny shrugged, blushing a little. “I just think he’d feel funny being reminded of them while you two…you know…”
Hermione rolled her eyes. “No, I do not know, Ginny. For the last time, Harry and I are just friends, flatmates. He does not frequent my bedroom.”
“Mmhm.” Ginny giggled, turning her attention back to Hermione’s birds. “Hi there, pretty boy,” she addressed the paler bird in a sing-song voice.
“That’s the girl, Ginny,” explained Hermione. “Male birds are the more colorful.”
“Ha! That’s even more fitting.”
“How’s that?”
“Well, Malfoy is quite feminine, don’t you think? Probably what attracted Ron to him in the first place…an easy transition from shagging girls to boys.”
“It’s ok, Hermione. Ron was born gay. It wasn’t a reflection on your…er…abilities or anything. Besides, it’s been ages; you can’t possibly still be pining.”
“Shouldn’t you be getting home to Neville?”
“Bye, Draco. Bye, Ronald,” Ginny waved to the birds, chuckling.
“There names are Rico and Donald, I’ll have you know!”
Guffawing, Ginny Disapparated from Hermione's flat.