once i get a job and pump in the money i'm investing in one of those nice venus shavers..where i just buy the new razer things to stick into it! i'm sick of adding to the pile up of tons of dead shavers in the land fills.
and i'm even thinking about all the deoderant plastic things....fuck.
at least i have a diva cup :) RESEARCH IT! i double dare ya.
http://www.divacup.com/ http://www.mooncup.co.uk/ http://lunapads.com/home.phpi'm even thinking about getting some of those:)since it doesn't hurt to have some panty liners incase of leakage or at the end of a period..and would save me money and it's a pain to walk all the way to the store, and it's more healthy..who knows what they put in panty liners and the bleach they use.