its been almost 3 years now.

Aug 19, 2004 16:55

i was generally upset over the events of 911, but i wasnt one of those kids that harped on it and never shutup or quit crying about it. i mean yeah it sucked really bad and no disrespect to those who died or their friends and family. but i accepted what happened and moved on. anyways there are some pretty interesting things that are now being noticed about the footage that was taken. people were supposedly so caught up in the terrible events that they didnt notice the little details about the things that happened that day. for instance why were there no camera shots of a plane crashing into the building that represents the security of america? if the pentagon is highly secured and monitored then why is there no available footage? i was shown an article that is pretty interesting and some of you might like to check out. it doesnt point any fingers at anyone but it raises some good questions. check it out.
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