For you baby ;D

Jun 20, 2008 12:13

So my exams are done and have been for like a week and a bit and so far it's been awesome. I've been a busy bee which is wierd usually I'm at home but I'd rather be the busy than not. I made some new friends which is nice. but I was depressed around one of them and I think he is scared of me haha but whatever I'll show him I'm fun.

Today I have my leaver's dinner, which I have to wear a dress to and I'm really scared about it. but I'll never see most of these people ever again so what do I care. Even though I still care because I'm the one who always trips and falls and I'm wearing heels, this is going to be an interesting night.

What's worse is that a few of my friends are going to a funeral today...well right now, and I know Natasha knew him well and is coming to the leavers dinner. hopefully she will be ok and hopefully she won't get any hassle off anyone.

In addition to this crazy day, burning up was released yesterday on radio disney and I LOVE IT. Big Rob kicks arse in it, and now I laugh at myself thinking it was timbaland how could I be so blind not to see who the rapper in the JB family!
for anyone who hasn't seen the video here it is:

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jonas brothers, big rob, real life

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