It's been an odd week.
It all started when my mom mentioned uttered a common Mexican phrase I hadn't heard in a while: "The chahuistle fell on me". Now to me, chahuistle (shah-oo-ees-tleh) was always one of those words you eventually associated a meaning to, but didn't really know what it stood for, like kleenex and such. That phrase meant that something was now ruined, or a calamity had fallen on us; my childish mind, wanting to assign a meaning to it, deduced that chahuistle was this evil bird that would swoop on you to give you bad luck. Anyway, my mom said the phrase over the weekend, I was reminded of it, and I wondered, what exactly is a chahuistle?
So, I used good ole google to find out, and found the following description: "A fungus or disease that affects wheat and corn". My knee-jerk first thought was: "That's it?", and although I soon deduced that, being a plague, it'd be horrible if it hit your crops and source of food, it was too late. I had insulted the chahuistle.
The whole week since has been a huge mess with stuff at work and all, having to delay testing, having trouble working with vehicles, having difficulty staying on top of things. Things finally hit it big this morning when an instrument I used today was built up incorrectly and messed up my testing. As I was getting everything set right again, with help of some co-workers, my mood lightened. However, I cannot explain for the life of me why, suddenly,
Enrique Iglesias' "Rhythm Divine" got into my head... (sorry babes! can't help it!)
So, was I getting some divine retribution? Was I being reminded of my lack of praying? Who knows, I just can't stop singing that classy tune now :P
Anyway, just got down running a quick game of EA Active (thanks to my bro for purchasing it!). Hopefully I can kick start the exercise routine again; I've been at the same weight for two months!