Mar 27, 2005 16:44
well tOday i wOke up in my mOms bed!! and i went tO my aunt elsas hOuse! we made a bunny cake and ate it!! lol it was gOOd!! we alsO played games and had bReakfaSt they were omblets! yummy my uncle makes them really gOOd!! Then after that i went tO my Other tias hOuse and we had mOre fOOd!! ((im eating sOOO much))
then i came hOme and my aunt gave me a pair Of cutie pants lOl.....and my Other aunt gave me a basket Of littO candys and perfume and an invitatiOn tO gO tO the mall & watch a mOvie and a littO shOoPing spree!! YaY and sOOO yea later im prObably gUnna qO Out tOthe mOvies Or sOmething! sO happy EaStEr!!
<33 adRiAnA
Have a GreaT EaSteR!!!