May 23, 2010 10:54

Tohosomnia presents...
The ILCA Campaign

-Breaking down barriers and building up friendships-

What is the ILCA campaign?
The ILCA campaign is not a one-time project; it is a continuous celebration of being a member of Cassiopeia, the largest fandom in the world! The campaign strives to connect fans from all four corners of the globe, give strength during these troubled times and show how thankful we all are for being able to be a part of such a great community.

What does ILCA stand for?
ILCA (일카) has two different meanings: the first is derived from the Korean words 일어나리 카시오페아 (Rise Cassiopeia) and the second is I Love CAssiopeia.

Who is classified as ‘Cassiopeia’?
Everyone is! Whether you’re Korean or Norwegian, twelve or fifty-six, as long as you love TVXQ, you can proudly call yourself Cassiopeia!

What will the ILCA campaign do?
At the moment, there are three phases of activities that will be put into effect in the next couple of weeks (with an undetermined date for Phase 3). Everyone can participate in Phase 1, but a Tohosomnia username is required to participate in phases 2 and 3. Please remember that you do not have to participate in Phase 1 to partake in phases 2 and 3. Every phase of activities will be optional to all; there is no pressure to participate in all of them but you are encouraged to do so to share the love!

Phase 1 - I Love Cassiopeia Video
Please film yourself saying one reason why you love being a member of Cassiopeia and a few words of encouragement for fellow fans. This project will include fans from all over the world and will enlist the participation of Korean Cassiopeia from sites such as Yuaerubi, Poplez and Faith and Cassiopeia. It would be preferable if this was done in English/Korean but if you wish to express yourself in your native language, you are free to do so but please remember to attach English translations of what you are saying! Film the footage alone or with friends and send it to ILCACampaign@gmail.com. Don't forget to include your name and location when you e-mail the video to us! The deadline is June 13th.

Phase 2 - Thanks To… From Cassiopeia To Cassiopeia
Thanks To letters are back! Every week one letter written by international fans to Korean fans will be translated and posted on Yuaerubi and Poplez. Vice versa, Korean fans will also be encouraged to write a letter to international fans. All comments will then be translated and posted for the writer to view. For more information, please click here

Phase 3 - Summer Sales! TVXQ fangoods store (for international fans)
-To be announced at a later date when all specifics are finalized-

Can we give any input?
Of course you can! If you have any ideas for new activities or have something to say about a certain aspect of the campaign, please feel free to email ILCACampaign@gmail.com and we will answer you a.s.a.p. Everyone’s opinions count, so don’t be afraid to express yourself!

Either email ILCACampaign@gmail.com or PM jeeelim5

Promotional Banners

credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

credits: MickyYummy@tohosomnia.net

Phase 1

credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net

forum activity, project, !mod post, fan movement

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