Cons ahead

Nov 23, 2010 12:20

Okay so con season just ended, but in a little over a month away..a new con season starts. So I have to be ready!

--Rooming - Aspen (Zipchan can't go anymore just an FYI in case you didn't know!)
--Cosplays - Soul Eater, new Manga cover fai, ????
--Skit - Anyone want to do one? My sparkly partner in crime can't go ;_; Time for a new plan

--Rooming - Laura and crew
--Cosplays - 07-Ghost (Frau, Castor), Tamaki ballgown, some kind of..Left 4 Dead zombie hunter guy?, Alexiel, ???
--Skit - thoughts of an 07-Ghost skit in the works

--Rooming - Aizawa
--Cosplays - Fai, some form of..fantasy costume?, Gundam Seed Kira?
--Panels - Cosplay panels/Cosplay judging

Nashicon (skipping Momocon this year)
--Rooming - ?? Might only drive down for Saturday
--Cosplays - Manga Fai, ??

Animazement - Hotel room booked!
--Rooming: Me, Pam, Cat, Erika, Kakyou, who else? State your claim!
--Cosplays: Real!Syaoran, Manga Fai, Alexiel, ??
--Artist Alley
--Skit - Tsubasa skit with MinaUchiha and crew as Real!Syaoran

--Rooming: Laura and crew
--Cosplays: 07-Ghost
--Artist Alley

--Rooming: Evenstar?
--Cosplays: Mukuro (Hitman Reborn), ??
--Skit - Hitman Reborn skit in the works

Dragoncon - Possible
--Rooming: StarAngel?
--Cosplays: ??

--Rooming: Utai and crew?

too far in advance to think about

So let me know what your plans are for these cons and if you want me to bring anything and if I am correct in my rooming nad whatnot. I have no real projects planned this year so I am about to start thinking about possible costumes I want to do.

-Castor - 07-Ghost (definite)
-Yukimura - Sengoku Basara

That is really all I know. List will grow I am sure.


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