Were it not for the fact that Matt is so very used to drinking, and additionally so very used to being compromised, the confluence of the two might have caused him to sputter and choke on Rache's beer.
As things stand, he's all right but highly distracted.
He slides his free arm around Rache's waist and pulls himself close, keeping his Guinness-occupied arm clear.
(He's a longtime bookworm, albeit not in the traditional sense. He can dig it.)
"Ah," he says, of the Shakespeare.
"Did you ever get to the end of Julius Caesar?"
Although I'd have thought they would call the play something else, since he dies halfway through."
And crossing to him. And insinuating himself in such a way as to be able to kiss his jaw without disrupting the Guinness.
(He has a spell going, but if it wears out while they're together he won't exactly cry about it.)
Conversational, "But it is about him, even after he dies."
Rache takes quick sip of beer before stealing another kiss, tongue flicking against the seam of Matt's lips.
And to add, "I don't know ... Brutus wasn't the one bestriding the narrow world like a colossus, as far as I recall."
The process repeats--another drink, another kiss--although the kiss lasts a bit longer this time.
(He also tries to swipe his drink for a sip when they break apart.)
Grace and aplomb, apparently, do not prevent him from pressing a kiss to Matt's throat, when his mouth is otherwise occupied.
As things stand, he's all right but highly distracted.
He slides his free arm around Rache's waist and pulls himself close, keeping his Guinness-occupied arm clear.
He leans into Matt, mouthing lightly just above his collarbone.
He knows it'll have to come off, but he's all right taking his time. This Guinness is really good.
Also really good: Rache's mouth.
"Mmm ... did you want to finish this?"
Rache would hate to ruin Matt's shirt. Really. So he doesn't do too much tugging at the collar.
Instead, he might be nuzzling at the curve where Matt's neck and shoulder meet.
His head tilts, and his whole body goes momentarily slack and relaxed.
Mumbled, "Not fair."
He lifts his head slightly, breath warm against Matt's ear. "And what would be fair?"
And tries to gulp down the last of the beer before Rache can do anything else nefarious.
But after that, all bets are off.
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