Sep 18, 2010 07:10

OOC Information:
Name: Ningi
Age: 23
AIM: Sanguine Ningi
Y!M: N/A
E-MAIL: amandaleewilliams@gmail.com

IC Information:
Name: 5
Fandom: "9"
Timeline: Post-movie.
Age: His exact age is unclear. Please see the history.

Appearance: 5 is a tiny little creature known as a stitchpunk. He stands only a few inches tall (about the size of a human hand), and is made of a small metal frame covered to the wrists and ankles in what looks to be burlap fabric, the number five drawn on his back in black ink. He has only one eye, and the space where the other would be is covered by a leather patch that doesn't match the rest of his material. His missing eye doesn't seem to affect his depth perception, and he claims that a single ocular helps him to "concentrate on just one thing at a time". There's an opening on his chest where his inner gears can be accessed, held closed by two buttons. He's also often seen carrying a small canister filled with needles, fishhooks, and a makeshift crossbow made of a winding key and springs.

Overall, he looks more like a little doll or toy rather than an actual living thing.

Abilities: 5 is very intelligent, a skilled engineer and mechanic. He excels at making tools and small mechanical weapons out of found parts and is quick to find solutions to problems in the environment around him. He also serves as something of a healer for the stitchpunks and is always seen carrying around needle and thread to patch up rips and tears. He's also been shown in canon to be able to produce tiny sparks to jump start little batteries similar simple devices.

Personality: 5 came into the world as a very trusting, almost childlike being. Unlike his fellows before him, all of whom quickly leaped from the hands of their creator to explore on their own, 5 was more dependent, showing full faith in the scientist and waiting to be shown the way. He was an innocent, and at the time of his birth the scientist claimed him to be his "purest creation to date".

5 was never very brave or adventurous to begin with, and the war between man and the machines impacted him greatly in a negative way. He's easily startled and quick to be cowed, usually seen moving around in a slightly crouched posture with his hands drawn up by his chest. He's a follower, subservient and timid around those with more forceful personalities, and worried over every move he makes. Even in the very end, with his spirit freed from the machine and prepared to move on, 5 still looks to 2 and 9 for guidance. Timid nature aside, he's also a very loyal friend, if not a bit awkward. When it's down to the wire, nervous as he may be, he'll do what he can to protect his fellows, usually through the utilization of his mind and whatever resources he has at hand. Though easily intimidated, he is quick to forgive and often acts as the peacemaker of the group. All in all, 5 wants nothing more than a safe, peaceful existence with the beings he's come to care so much about.

While he seems to have formed easy friendships with most of his companions, he shares a special bond with 2, the stitchpunk who went back to rescue him when he lost his eye during a Walker attack. He's something of an apprentice to his older companion and looks up to him very much. It was 2's kidnapping that originally pushed 5 out of his little comfort zone in his watchtower, following 9 on his quest into the lair of the beast to save his mentor and triggering the events of the rest of the movie.

History: Set in an alternate universe with a WWII era feel about it, a totalitarian state is suffering from severe economic decline. Desperate for prosperity, the government commissioned scientists to lend their talents to the state in hopes of stimulating the economy. One of those scientists (a man who had been a toymaker in his youth) came up with B.R.A.I.N., an artificially intelligent machine made by using a special talisman to implant his intellect into it. Before all the preliminary testing could be completed, the government seized it and used it to construct a Fabrication Machine. B.R.A.I.N. and the Fabrication Machine were then joined together and used to build machines for war. Eventually the Machine, angered by this abuse, turned on humanity and began building horrible weapons meant to destroy all life. The war between man and machine began, and it was quite clear that man was not going to win.

With chaos all around him the scientist set to work again, this time altering the talisman and using it to implant pieces of his soul into nine small dolls. These pieces of the scientist would live on after humanity died out, ensuring that life would continue even if only in this small way.

5's first appearance in the movie comes after 9's awakening* and 2's kidnapping by the Beast, a large cat-like machine that roams the emptiness (what the stitchpunks call the wasteland left behind after the war) . He rescues 9 from the emptiness and brings him back to their church sanctuary to be patched up in safety. Just as 9 is sharing the news of what happened to 2 and the Beast, 1 and 8 make their first appearance. 5 is chastised for risking the safety of their hiding place by bringing the new stitchpunk back, and 9 is regaled with the tale of the first days of existence for the first eight stichpunks. They gathered together to shield each other from the horrors of the war around them, and it is revealed that 5 lost his left eye during a Walker attack. 2 ran back to save him, cementing a close bond between them.

1 sends 5 and 9 up to the watchtower when the tale his through, and it's there that 9 convinces 5 to follow him back out into the emptiness to find 2. They manage to find the Beast's lair and 2, rescuing him with the help of 7 (a stitchpunk who, along with 3 and 4, had been long thought dead), killing the beast and procuring the scientist's talisman (which had been stolen at the beginning of the movie when 2 was kidnapped). This reunion was not to last however. In a stunning example of the old "curiosity killed the cat" adage, 9 accidentally uses the talisman to awaken the Machine and 5 can only stand by as his mentor's soul is sucked out and trapped within the Machine. 5, 7 and 9 escape, heading back to the library sanctuary of 3 and 4 (a set of twins) where they learn the full story behind the events leading up to the war that destroyed humanity. It is also here that 5 realizes the similarities between the talisman and the mysterious drawings constantly produced by another stitchpunk, 6.

5 and 9 return to the church, intending to study the drawings when they're caught by 8 and brought before 1 once again. Before their confrontation can end they're once again attacked by a machine, this one capable of flight. They all work together to escape once again, destroying the Winged Beast with more help from 7 and some quick thinking on 5's part. All the stitchpunks gather in the safety of the twin's library where they're (who'd have guessed it?) attacked again during the night, this time by a large snake-like machine with a baby-doll face (the Seamstress). The Seamstress uses 2's body as a sort of lure to help capture the other stitchpunks, and the machine manages to get away with 8 and 7 held captive. At 9's insistence it is decided that the remaining stitchpunks will directly assault the factory that the Machine calls home in order rescue their fellows. While 9 enters the factory on his own, 5 remains outside with the others and organizes a plan to destroy the Machine once and for all. 9 is unable to save 8, but he and 7 eventually escape and 5's plan (a full drum of oil set on fire and rolled down into the center of the factory) is successful. The factory is destroyed and the stitchpunks are free of the terror that was the Machine...or so they think.

It's only minutes into their celebrations that tragedy strikes again. Having wandered just a bit too far from his fellows, 5 is the first to see the Machine still moving. The explosion did not destroy it and 5's yells only just manage to reach and warn his friends of the danger before he's grabbed by the machine and subjected to the same fate as 2 and 8.

The struggling continues, 6 and 1 also falling to the machine before 9 manages to retrieve the talisman, using it to pull his fallen companion's souls from inside B.R.A.I.N. and effectively killing the Machine for good. There is no way to bring back those who's souls were taken by the Machine, but at the end of the movie their spirits are released from the talisman. Their souls disappear into the sky in a flash of green light and it begins to rain for the first time since the end of the war, symbolically returning life back to the world.

*It is never explicitly stated how much time passes between the scientist's death and 9's awakening at the movie's beginning, and there are not enough visual clues in the film to accurately estimate a time line. The state of the leftover structures, rusted and crumbling, suggests that years have passed, but no plant life has regrown. Several human corpses are seen, but they all look to have simply dried up rather than rotted. It is assumed that the gas spread by the machines killed all living things, including any microorganisms that would normally break down the flesh of the dead. The spaces where the stitchpunks have made their homes look very lived in and include clutter and complicated transportation set ups that could take years to properly rig up. I'm going to play 5 with the assumption that there were several years of existence for him before the beginning of the movie.

Roleplay Sample - Log:

5 watched from his perch (an overturned thimble) with barely-veiled amazement as his older companion put the finishing touches on the project they'd been working on for two weeks. The new telescope would be perfect for the watchtower and an excellent addition to their defenses. It had been 5's idea originally after a chance passing by of a delicately placed piece of glass in the ruins, but without 2's sharp eye and experience the plan might never have come to fruition.

It hadn't seemed like it would be so troublesome at first, but gathering the materials had taken far longer than either stitchpunk had expected. Glass was easy enough to find, but the correct sort was difficult to locate, even more difficult to locate in chunks large enough to serve their purposes. Then came shaping and polishing it, not to mention the mechanisms within the tubing of the telescope itself...

"All done!" a cheerful voice declared, and 5 looked up to meet 2's grin with a soft smile of his own, brow stitching rising with some amusement as he watched his mentor hover excitedly over their new creation. He couldn't fault the older stitchpunk for his enthusiasm (and never would. It was one of the things about 2 that he respected the most), not when he could feel his own gears whirring in anticipation.

He rose from his seat and it was with only a little prodding from 2 that the journeyman took the first look through their invention, and what a breathtaking view it was. The emptiness wasn't what one might normally consider beautiful, but it was all that 5 knew, and it had a special mystique about it at this particular time of day. The soft glow that signaled sunset through the thick clouds above tinted the ruins around them a soft pink and it was times like this, time spent with 2 and with the satisfaction of another job well done, that made 5 believe he could be happy in this place. Content, even with the constant threat of the Beast...

5 started almost violently when he heard the screeching of the lift bucket, quickly pulling back from the telescope and turning to face the sound. That would be 1 and 8, coming to check on their progress as they'd said they would. What timing. Funny how their de facto leader "allowed" them to work so hard on these sorts of projects, took the time to generously criticize any shortcomings and then, once the labor was finished, behave as if all the effort had been only his. It upset 5 sometimes when he thought too hard on it, and so he tried not to. 1 terrified him and 8 was nothing short of a beast. Better to leave the talking to someone who was more sure of their words, like 2 or 7.

After a soft sigh and a quick pat on the shoulder from 2, 5 turned to a nearby work table and busied himself with stacking a few of their spare washers. He would stay out of the way and let 2 handle 1, just like he always did, and maybe once the their leader and his bodyguard had gone they could find some of the others and celebrate properly. It'd be a shame for the twins to miss out on a chance to catalog a view like that.

Roleplay Sample - Journal:

[The video feed clicks on with a thump, just in time to show to see an out-of-focus figure whirling around and backing away from the screen. As the camera adjusts it becomes obvious that something here is very off. The humanoid figure, something that looks to be make of cloth with metal hands and feet, is standing on the floor right next to the faciliberry... but it's entire figure can still be seen in the frame. Whatever this little creature is, it's very small, only the size of a small doll maybe.]

Wh-What is this? [A small, male voice comes from the doll, nervous and shaky, and the creature clutches at one of the buttons sewn to it's torso. It has only one eye (the other is covered with a large patch), and the lens inside has constricted down to barely a pinpoint as it's head swivels around, quickly surveying it's new, very large surroundings.]

This isn't... This isn't the emptiness...

Where am I?

Questions? Comments? Crazed and creative statements? Those go here.
5 will be keeping memories of his first stay in the facility, though he'll be fuzzy on specifics. Keepin' things vague~


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