May 01, 2011 18:38
Age: 18
Height: Short! Around 5'4"ish.
Weight: …tiny.
Medical Info: In flawless condition! No evidence of any past injuries whatsoever.
Eyes: Green and huge.
Hair: Blonde, 70 feet long, semi-prehensile, and it glows when she sings.
Physical traits: Besides the 70 foot long hair?
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Feel free to recognize her as either the Disney character or the fairy tale character, but pleeease refrain from mentioning that without asking.
Abilities: Has magic hair that glows when she sings. It can heal wounds, cure illness, and reverse the aging process. She can also use it as a whip, a ladder, swing from it, all kinds of fun stuff. Also, the standard Disney princess abilities to commune with animals, start spontaneous musical numbers, and befriend frightening men with hook hands.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Her magic hair used to be a flower. Before that, it was the sun. Just go with it. Also, somewhere deep in her subconscious there are memories of being a baaaaby princess, but those are pretty well repressed and context-free right now.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: ask/ask/WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT :'(/FIND YOUR HUMANITY!
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: YES :D
Maim/Murder/Death: this is an upsetting question
Cooking: AMAZING
Other: I'm going to take this spot to list her known hobbies. Reading, painting, guitar, knitting, cooking, puzzles, darts, baking, paper mache, ballet, chess, pottery, ventriloquism, candle making, sketching, sewing, AND THAT'S JUST THE ONES SHE HAD TIME TO LIST THROUGH SONG. Girl doesn't get out much.