Long story short: Cronus is a fucking bastard and has been pulling us here, as mortals. Which is obvious. He plays little shitty games with poor us now and then, and currently we are all...I don't know, sick? People is really losing it around here.
And I'm blind. And can't smell, just noticed that earlier today.
[There is a 'Motherfucker' said as she apparently tries to get a hold of something.]
It will go away eventually, but expect people to be whiny and bitchy more than usual.
Bad time for crashing the party.
Any chance of elaboration?
Hey girl. Alecto here.
Long story short: Cronus is a fucking bastard and has been pulling us here, as mortals. Which is obvious. He plays little shitty games with poor us now and then, and currently we are all...I don't know, sick? People is really losing it around here.
And I'm blind. And can't smell, just noticed that earlier today.
[There is a 'Motherfucker' said as she apparently tries to get a hold of something.]
It will go away eventually, but expect people to be whiny and bitchy more than usual.
Though I will spare myself the whining.
Like a drunk dude trying to piss in a dark alley. Without the being drunk.
That's a good choice.
At least I'm not rotting alive like some people...
Which people?
[She's losing her senses one by one. If she must pick a moment to be nice, is this one. And "nice".]
The Argonaut's Captain, that I know. I really can't sit through all the fucking entries and get this thing to read them to me.
He has already died, once more will make little difference.
Dying here is not an issue. Heck, I have died a couple of times myself. Gives you a new way to see life.
A couple of times?
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