(no subject)

May 28, 2005 09:20

well....last saturday josh came with my family to my brothers soccer game and then him and my dad and my family went to a kickboxing/street fighting class. it was very interesting, my dad decided hes getting a huge punching bag for our basement, lmao.then

sunday jc josh rachel and i went to matt kochers spagetti dinner, it was okay, they had so much stuff. they had a bake sale and like a raffle, and all kinds of stuff. the food was pretty good. they had so many people helping out like following you everywhere taht was kind of annoying, but im glad i went. then we went to the movies and saw monster-in-law. it was pretty good, funny at times. this one lady was laughing really hard so josh rudely just starts laughing at her and then hes lke oh there she is! really loud, god was i embarassed. then after taht josh and i went to his house so he could changed then picked those 2 back up and went up to the highschool for baccalereaute. it was okay, this one lady talked like 15 min, but rach andi had  a good time, it seems when im with her i always do.

monday/tuesday i dont thikn i did anyhing monday i cant remeber. tuesday though, we had the chorus banquet. omg well got tehre and sat with a bunch of people, and i was lke okay im eating and leaving bc this is going to be gay. well then music started and josh was like lets just stay a little, and then we had so much fun we stayed the whole time.they had contests and stuff, and this one was do your best air guitar, so j is so determined to win that he goes up to the front of the floor and is jumping and everything else and screaming shook me all night long, well theydindt pick him, and he got so upset and wouldnt dance for about 10 min, and then ther was a slow song and all the slow songs were so great just dancing with him and he'd sing the words to me it was so cute, and then the fast songs were also fun bc you know josh if you were there, his dancing is hilarious, and he makes these facials and id just start cracking up. ahh but itw as fun.

wednesday josh and i hung out, but it was nothing unusual just teh same old stuff, hanging out wiht my family and having a good time.

friday i went to the baseball game that josh was umpiring up at aten field, well when we first got there it started to rain and lightning, but then it went away and tehy played till about the 4th innning when it started to rain again, and they just cancelled the game and we left. josh and i went up to the mall for about a hour, pretty boring, ran into some people we knew. then we came back to my house and my sister had 2 friends over, who were so annoying, and so josh and i sat there and talked to my parents and then watched a movie. good times.

today well i was supposed to have a cheerleading car wash but its raining, so thats cancelled ag ain! so i guess i'll just sit around here all day, maybe get my mom to take us out, bc i hate days like this.


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