My tweets

Jan 04, 2013 12:00

  • Thu, 14:47: T_______T The other mexican living here left unexpectedly...
  • Thu, 14:50: She left a note that said I could have her food + a bunch of sauces..... WHO AM I GOING TO SPEAK MEXICAN WITH NOW? ):):
  • Thu, 15:33: Ever since I started living here I have so much trouble trying to upload photos. T_T
  • Thu, 19:30: And now to fix my mess....
  • Thu, 22:11: I just found a mexican peso in my "closet".... how the heck did it get there? O_O
  • Fri, 03:30: Es impresionante el MAL servicio de @ AYUDABANORTE no puedo creer que sean TAN incompetentes.
  • Fri, 03:31: Nada mas que llegue a Mexico me voy a comunicar con ustedes para recordarles a sus reputas madres, pendejos!
  • Fri, 03:34: La primera vez que les mande un correo me dijeron "Se


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