With my departure from the Exalted: Red Sun campaign I'm down to one regular game as a player, WFRP once a month. I was chatting about it with
My One Contribution to the Internet the other day and a few different options stood out as something I'd be keen to get involved in.
Shadowrun: I participate in sporadic one-offs for this at WARGS and it has left a hankering for something more substantial. One of my first campaigns way back when was Shadowrun and the mix of fantasy and sci-fi in this setting is a lot of fun. With the fourth edition the system finally works pretty smoothly too.
Smallville: Not the setting itself but the system, Cortex Plus. I was was involved in the play testing for this game last year as well as a short campaign run by
Stream of Consciousness. The campaign wasn't entirely satisfying but still left me curious about just what you can get out of this system.
Superhero Genre: I've never had an ongoing superhero campaign that lasted more than a few sessions and my appetite for the genre has grown through various films, tv shows, video games, and for the first time, comic books. However most of the multitude of different offerings available would fall afoul of my quite particular taste in systems for an ongoing campaign.
The Wednesday night Dresden Files campaign I'm running has had four sessions so far. Running a campaign again after several years is proving an interesting challenge as compared to a one-off. I'm still quite uncertain of my choices at the moment. Is this an engaging storyline? Am I providing enough freedom to the players? Are my NPCs distinct enough in their personalities? However my confidence is growing with each session, I'll be an unbearable egomaniacal tyrant in no time at all.
The collaborative nature of the setting creation with the players has both inspired and stymied me. There are still a number of elements that were thrown in that I just haven't been able to work out how to integrate into the story yet.