i haven't been paying much attention to livejournal lately... i've really just been using it as a dumping ground for things i want to archive/remember.
My sweetie had an op-ed piece published in the Seattle P-I on friday about birthright citizenship.
Three things of note:
1) He originally wrote it to be longer, but had to cut it down, making it slightly less effective from his point of view. Longer version will likely be on a blog after he finishes tweaking it a bit.
2) He also titled it "The Enemies of Equality", but that was changed, likely to avoid vexing liberal sensibilities.
3) According to some of the commenters/flamers, he's the next Louis Farrakhan/Trotsky. He's got a comment in there at about 15 down, responding to some of it. Some of the comments are completely amazing (read: moronic -- one of my favorites called him an "anti-white racist Communist"), and some of them are pretty smart.
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/opinion/374034_equalilty08.html ***
this weekend the Yellow Hat Band played at a party on a roof downtown -- one of my bandmates lives in this huge co-op in Belltown. the theme was "super hero or super sinful". so i came as my alter-ego Stanley, the Original Swinger. he's sleazy, obnoxious, and likes to make you uncomfortable. Stanley wears loud clothing, things like black button up/collared shirts with silver ties and Elvis sunglasses. or purple three-piece suits. anyways, i introduced myself to several people as Stanley, and because of the comic-book theme of the evening, they mistook me for Stan Lee -- which was GREAT! it never occurred to me to be Stan Lee.
Stanley has a number of influences:
-Mel Brooks
-Duckie (from Pretty in Pink)
-Christopher Walken
-Jerry Stiller
-Groucho Marx
-and now... Stan Lee!
maybe you'll be (mis)fortunate enough to meet Stanley one day.