|. ahhh today i was soooooo excited for we went to Baguio (The summer capital of PHIL a.k.a. the KOREA of PHIL due to climate) to pick some strawberries! yum yum! n_n guess what happened:))
||. it was a sunny day and my excite ment of picking strawberries made
my smile like this ---------> :D and then it RAINed!!! yes F*CK it rained and my hope of picking strawberries that are soo yum yum is no more and it made my smile turned to this -------------> DX o yeah f*ck!!!!!! arrRRrrRRggGhHh........
|||. Then i realized that GOD really loves me because when im browsing the internet he make sure i saw THIS:
Oh yeah BABY the NEW tatoo of OUR prince!!!!XD SPOT the DIFFERENCE!!!!
and then finally i turned to this -------> X}D... oh yeah im in heaven with a mustache and drooling then *dies*