
Jan 29, 2006 02:24

So I just got back a little while ago from one of those beautiful insane nights that make me sigh in utter contentedness. It still hasn't sunk in that this is going to be the next four months of my life, but I don't think I'll mind when it does.

So last night, I chilled at home and my friend Kevin came over and ended up helping me pack. Because of him, this is the most prepared I have ever been. I have extra sleeping materials for those inevitable nights when someone will be crashing on my floor, I have dress clothes for those inevitable theater moments where I'd otherwise need to borrow dress pants, snacks, and I'm picking up my books tomorrow with Claire *yay*.

Today, put it all into my car, said my goodbyes (I don't think my brother felt the full effects of it, as he was hyper about driving down to the beach - but the dog was certainly depressed), and made a rather chill trip up here, one of those where I actually enjoy the drive.

Found a great parking spot, and grabbed the first of my myriad crap and didn't even make it into the door when I heard my name being called. I looked up to see the Drew Welcoming Committee (Andrea and Carolyn), and about that time Elysse was walking by, so I yelled up, we shouted joyous syllables to each other, then I said hello to Elysse and put some stuff in my room. I figured, "Okay, I'll go up and say Hello." And so I did and launched injuring hugs on Carolyn then Andrea.

While in their room, we saw that Claire was coming down so I bolted down the stairs and pounced her. Andrea joined me. Her mom said they needed help with something, but before I could ask where their car was they walked away. I saw that Elysse and her mom were unpacking so I offered my services and was given some food to carry. Then we helped move Claire just like we did in the beginning of last school year. Afterward, Andrea (being the amazing friend she is) helped me move all my crap in. While doing so, we got to talk with Jamie the RA about the new door decos and her sister who's a psychology student in grad school and a great event she's planning (well these talks were really spread between two run-ins, one with Andrea and one without), and I picked out the door decos for my quad. Jamie is just awesome. I needed to unpack so Andrea and I said we'd meet up for dinner. First I wanted to head up and give Elaine and Claire their presents, which was cool.

Came back and continued. About halfway through Loud came back and said that he was going up to chill with Coz'n'Sara so I finished unpacking and headed up to join them, first calling Andrea to tell her. Coz and I talked a lot about music, as we do, and just random stuff. It was one of those "ah, nothing's really stopped with the break" times. Andrea joined us and brought BROWNIES!!! Amazing brownies. I had known about them already but it was still exciting. Bald and Sarah T made their ways in, and then Sproffee came!! We offered her brownies, and one of the lines of the day:

(after Sproffee gets a brownie, she's told that we "raped" - decimated, really - the brownie pile)
Sproffee: I'm eating a rape victim?!?

Claire, Andrea, and I rushed to her room to say hello, and give some love to Beth and Nate as well because they're awesome, and as it turned out Sproffe's dog was here too. So most of us ran to meet Boo. Unfortunately, Boo appeared to be afraid of the tiles. :P She sensed an ominous presence in Riker. Anyway, we crowded around Boo and tried to pet her. Bonnie came and tried to jump Sproffee but Sproffee was caught unawares and Bonnie BOUNCED OFF HER and landed flat on the ground.

Sara: You're not going to help Bonnie up??
Sproffee: I had to get Boo some water!

So Bonnie started to feign indignance and walk away. We got to talking and Nate was saying how he got locked out of his building because he was helping a transfer student move into Baldwin. I jokingly scoffed and said "Transfers shouldn't get good dorms, they should have to start at-" and Bonnie looked at me and was like, "WHAT? You gonna say something bout Brown?" She's the Brown 1 RA and was on the Brown Floor O' Love last year. Whoops. So, "I'm walking away now."

Back in Sara and Claire's room. Daniel (with his history joke), a newly brunette Jess A, and Zach came and hung out with us, and then Jess G and Callan! And Callan brought "Dreamdate" which just was hysterical to think about. So we made dinner plans first to go to Friday's but we ended up at Bennigans, under the name "Ryan and the Romance family". Great dinner, and apparently Bennigan's is hosting a video game tournament. :P So lots of joking around and debauchery, and Claire, Andrea, and I are dinner buddies (we seem to keep getting seated near each other, which is not a problem at all :D). Most of the dinner was spent, on my end, talking with Claire, Andrea, Callan, Jess, and Daniel. And I had to bring up the stick-not stick game, which we played for about 65% of the meal. And I failed my toast, siked myself out about it. It was a great time and Elaine popped in a little ways through.

Afterward we chilled in Riker 1st Lounge where Laura R and Rob K joined us, then Nikki. It was great overall, and we played Zach's number game, which caused most of us to smash our heads or react in an OH MAN when we figured it out. Claire had the reaction of the night when she attacked Zach (two of these mind games was too much). Claire, Daniel, Loud, and I played some Perfect Dark in levels I'd never seen, and Daniel (as DOOM) came out on top once. We all agreed more PD needed to be played at some point.

Back into the lounge, hung out talking, people started dropping off but Dhoover joined us, so it was Daniel, Loud, Bald, Andrea, Dhoover, Elaine, Jess A, Zach, and I playing "Keep The Ball Off The Ground" which made for lots of laughing, slow clapping, awesome saves, and OHHHs. That evolved into a fun game of Tennis-Volleyball which the team of Daniel, Bald, Zach, and I were dominating in. Eventually Jamie came in and said we were being kinda loud which we were, and shortly after I split off and started writing this. A little ways into it ended up that Daniel's crashing in my room tonight. Awesome. :)

So tomorrow is another day. And life back at Drew is in full swing.

Peace!! :-D

returning to drew, recent events

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