I WISH! That would be cool. Alas, I can't do it. Yet. (But wait till I learn Flash...)
You can find lots of 30-second bunny funniness
here!!! YAY!!! Meanwhile, here's my day...in a few minutes...re-enacted by text.
Read my play in Playwriting today, didn't go over quite as well as I had pictured but did okay, and got through most of the other 10-minutes. Well, revisions will come.
Dinner was cool, any time I get to make fun of Gusto is cool by me, and we had a group discussion about lots of things that degraded into "I Like My Women Like" jokes. Eventually Andrea and I found our cue to leave.
Improv was great, though people are hard to quiet down. :-P New girl, Ali, which is always nice. Sproffee made the announcement about
Improv Everywhere which I know Dhoover and I (and possibly Zach?) are interested in. Played some great games, Ian had a cool idea for a game that we will try on Thursday during our unofficial "meeting" and my game idea went over really well, so new games to repertoire = the awesome. There's going to be a show sometime not next week but the following, we will keep you posted. Had to end a little early so Haselton Assassins could hold their meeting...that's right, Haselton is doing their own Assassins game now. Bastards! So we squeezed in World's Worst and I think it was okay, tapering in ideas toward the end. It was great to be able to go up for games again. A lot of abuse during You're Screwed which I suppose was a bit unexpected. :-P And it was cool to have Craig and Laura B's prospective at the meeting.
Afterward, Andrew handed out cookies (Jersey's still better, bitch) and we went to The Space. Superman brought up Out On A Limb which seemed like a good idea, so Claire, Melanie, Craig, Dhoover, he, and I came here to my room and watched VHS. Oh man, actually having to rewind brought us back. In that time was also much crowding around this very laptop to watch aforementioned 30 Second Bunny movies, which were hysterical. And Out On A Limb was entertaining. So all in all it's been a pretty good day. :-D
Game over.
Learn anything?
That's right...
5 - 1 = 4
Well, let me break it down for you:
You have a total of 103 friends
You requested to guess 103 entries. Yay for masochism!!
4 were skipped due to invalid content (surprising?).
You made 99 guesses.
You got 92 correct.
Doing the math for you, that means you got 92% correct
To be fair, some of them had the name of the person in the entry or were their most recent entries, but still I think that's pretty damn good.