(no subject)

Nov 14, 2004 03:55

Well, Well, Well... to all you LBTers, hope the shows went well. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow while you're at strike. So, the semester is almost over. Crazy how quick it went. This weekend was kinda a bummer... Erin and I were supposed to go to Charleston to stay with Erin. But alas, I am stuck here, in bed. You know what the best part about college and dorms is? One person gets sick and EVERYONE is sick. I've been pretty lucky up until now, but damn... I feel rotten this weekend. I spent the day in bed. And Emilie wasw supposed to come last weekend, and im thinking she had the same thing I do... same symptoms atleast... On top of everything else, I'm struggling to get all my last minute work done. I worked my ass off this semester, and im not trying to screw it up in the last week. So I've totally been stressing, and I have all these papers due after thanksgiving breakw hich im trying to finish before so i dont spend my break doing work. BLAH! Well... I'll be home in about a week. Then I come back, take my finals, and im done! It's so crazy how fast this semester flew by! Thanksgivings going to be wierd this year though. It's my grandmas last thanksgiving with us, they were hoping shed last till thanksgiving. So the ENTIRE Lange family will be at the house. It's going to be crazy stressful. And Jeff's not coming home, cause hes being punished, so he lost his leave. It's just so wierd. PArt of me doesnt even want to go home for thanksgiving. And Erin's leaving, so she's prety much moving out at thanksgiving. She's already done all her transfer stuff... She's definitely leaving me (sniff,sniff) So when I come back after winter break, I'll be all alone in this room.... hmmmm. Not much else is going on. Same old, same old I guess. Hope everythigns good with everyone else!
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