Of Vices and Humdrums: Reluctance

Mar 25, 2011 14:10

Disclaimer: Insert whitty claim about not owning Harry Potter here.

This is my first Dhr fic / drabble / whatever you wish to call it. I'm going to start a Dramione Drabble series in which all drabbles under 1500 - 2000 words go here. Please let me know what you think! Oh, and this was written for my friend Jules on Tumblr. Heh.

Oh, also, this is considered 'Complete' because they're technically one-shots (but they also may be read as a sequenced story, unless stated otherwise.) What I'm trying to do is just doing random pieces of their lives.

Summary: She always thought she was fine on her own.
Rating: T


Light. There was light everywhere. Why was there light? Why was it so goddamn bright? She could literally feel it piercing past her lids and frying her eyes into little balls of nothing. Move, she told herself. Do something.

But her body stayed immobile, her dead legs tangled under the sheet in such an awkward position, she knew it was going to cramp soon. She barely cracked a single lid when a throaty croak that resembled a groan escaped her mouth and she immediately shut them back up.

Someone Avada me now.

She lay still for a few quiet seconds before one of her arms lifted itself onto her nightstand, searching for the magical stick that was going to save her day.

Her brows furrowed as her fingers scrambled across the desktop, passing everything she does not need and nothing she wanted. She let out a cry of frustration and forced herself into a sitting position, quickly regretting her decision the moment her vision started to spin and the aches shot straight through her head like missiles.

"Merlin's saggy balls, Granger. You look like fucking hell."

God. Why was he still here. She wished she could shut that hideous (but talented, oh, so talented) mouth of his but all she did was move her arm sloppily, passing each drawer with waning patience.

Where in the world was it?

"Your hair looks like it's about to eat your face alive."

"Fuck you, Malfoy."

His deep chuckle rang through her room and she wanted to wipe that smug look off of his ugly (who was she kidding, he looked like Adonis) face more than anything. He sauntered, fucking sauntered, over to her bed with an overly bright visage and twirl something through his fingers.

"Looking for this?" he asked innocently, conveniently moving it out of her reach when she shift to grab it, "You're going to have to do better than that."

"Give me my wand, Malfoy," she growled at him, ignoring her pounding head that threatened to split open. She made one move too quickly and her head fell back into the palms of her hands as her throat let out an unpleasant moan.

"Whoa there," he caught her just in time before she slid back onto her headboard, her blazing forehead laid at the crook of his neck as he summoned a Dreamless Draught.

She mumbled something along the lines of "I can handle myself," but didn't stop him when he pressed the cup against her lips, tilting her head a bit to pour the rest of the content into her mouth.


He rolled his eyes at her childish protest and set the cup down by the desk before he laid her head down on her pillow (which he may or may not have fluff with a wandless charm) and tucked her in. He stared at her with a conflicted look on his face before finally decided to give in and slid underneath the covers, pulling her hot (and he meant hot as in bloody burning) body against his, one hand laid at his side, the other absentmindedly playing with her unruly curls.

"Why?" she yawned into his chest, her lids began to droop as the potion started to take its effect and he can tell she was trying her hardest to stay awake. She was met with silence and started to nod off and soon enough, her gentle snores filled the room.

"Your're doing a pretty shitty job of taking yourself" he confessed to her sleeping form after a moment of silence, "so someone else has to."

She unconsciously moved closer to him as if objecting his answer and his lips curved into something that resembled a smile (resembled because while Malfoys may smirk and grin, they do not smile) before he, too, fell into a deep slumber.


Please let me know your thoughts! :)

Words: 632

dramione, fan fiction, my writing

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