Oct 04, 2008 11:19
Okay, last night was one of the funniest nights, ever.
So I was sitting down on the edge of my bed and I forgot who but someone came into my bathroom and I say "this room is off limits....!" then turn but fucking slide off and just laid on the floor shit faced. Whoever it was I said "you can't just leave me like this!!!" so they come over and we count to three and I struggle like a rag doll to get on my feet. Ahahahahah. Afterwords I was not feeling to well so I was by the toilet and I mean, I knew I probably puked a little over the bowl and though it was on the rim but when like four people came to check on me I looked over it was on the fucking bath rug and floor. I was like "oh shhhhit!" and Chelsea's ass brought some fucking rice in a glass cup. HAHA!! Oh Lord.
Now I officially HATE the taste of Jose Cuervo. So nasty :<
The floor in the kitchen is all sticky and shit. The maintenance lady knocked on our doors and one the guests there blamed the mess on us (which i've yet to see) but I only heard since I didn't open it.