Well heres my fat survey. I thought for the lighter weight people, you might have wondered what It'd be like to be fat, or why its that way. So I have compiled a list of questions and answers, that I made up and then answered.
What its like being fat:
Well here it goes, its just like being skinny, but bigger, and better.
Reasons why I'm fat:
I eat a lot.
I eat bad food.
Im not nutricous. Or however you spell it.
I dont excercise.
I dont run.
I dont play sports
I cant hold a diet
Reasons Why I dont care about being skinny:
Because I just freaking dont.
What I like to do as a fat person:
Instead I like to sit at home, play on the computer, do art stuff, listen to music, and play video games.
Why its cool to be fat:
-People hate fat people, so I dont have a boyfriend nor have had one. Im disaese free.
-I can eat whatever I want, and not worry about it .
-If I get too large, I can get a handicap parking sticker so I dont have to walk that extra mile in the parking lots.
-People get a good laugh about it.
-We can be more than just human: We can be whales, or pigs, or cows, or elephants and other various animals. Now Imagine being all them AND being a human being.
-You can make good reccomendations on restruants, and whats good and what isnt.
That concludes my fat survey.
I hope you laughed,cried,got mad, and just plain thought what a freaking idiot.
Well Cheers to you, fatties, and animals everywhere.