Stop everything, Andy just smoked weed with my dad

Aug 29, 2010 11:16

So Andy and I went on a wine tour with the family and some friends. We were the designated drivers. Started at 10, came back around 6.
Then ate dinner, went to UFC. I had a headache, I went home and Andy left. Then came back because Aunt Jackie had convinced him to. He went and played ping pong and I said he could spend the night in the other bed.

He comes up at like three, I've just managed to get to sleep which is good, because lately it takes me three hours before I get to sleep. He wakes me up, shines his fucking phone in my face and says he has a story. He just smoked with my dad. Congratu-fucking-lations! You smoked pot with my dad. Call the press! What do you want me to say? What do you want me to do? Why are you so fucking proud of it? You smoked with my dad.

After that, I had to just keep sighing. I was holding my breath for some reason. I didn't get to sleep for another few hours. Got up at 9 and couldn't get back to sleep. And he slept like a baby. Because he smoked weed with my dad. What the fuck? And really Dad? Really? You had to go and smoke with him? What the fuck were you thinking? You honestly don't care if your children know you're a pothead anymore, do you? For fuck's sake! And is mom just ignoring this habit?

Jesus christ! Doesn't anyone have anything better to do with their time besides getting drunk and high? That's why I only spend most of my time with my mother and sisters. Fuck all of this. I'm moving. I'm going to Ohio. Fuck Andy. Fuck all of Andy's friends. Fuck my father. What the fuck all of you.

And I don't even know why this upsets me so much.

drugs, andy, dad

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