May 31, 2004 16:23
Ok i was going to have one of the best weekend ever. I left earley from school to go to san diego which is my future home lol and i loved it there it is my favorite place to be and it feels so realxing cause the people are nice. So the first day i went to this gas light district which is like the third street on the train. Me and my family staid there a while and it was kinda fun. After that we went to a mall which was really cool it had everything. I was there and i was looking for a Abercrombie the whole time and while we were leaving we found one but guess what they closed right when we go there. WHen we went back to the train there were some weird people there. when we were leaving some guy gangster guy came up to my mom and tried to talk to her and after that he kept staring at her eeeeeeeewww. The next day i was so stoked because i was going surfing and i was going to stay all day. when i go there i was like wow the waves ar awsome so i went in. I caught 1 wave in the first five mins and while i was hedding back out i felt this pinching feeling on my foot for a second and then it felt like some one stabed me with a needle. I though i got pinched by a crap but the pain got worst so i went to shore to se that i had a slice moon shaped cut on top of my foot so i went up the beach where my dad was and showed it to him and he told me i was stung my a sting ray. I was like wow it doesnt hert as bad as i though but was i wrong with in minutes i felt like nails were being hammered in my foot and i had to run up 100 somthin stairs to get up to my house from the beach. When i got there i layed down cause i was in so much F*cking pain and my dad maid me get up and put my foot in some hot water which helped until my dad added boiling water which hurt it even more then they told me they had to pour viniger on it to help it but guess what it didnt to sh*t and 10 mins later my dad told me to take my foot out of the water and it burned again so he maid me watch tv but that didnt help cause it felt like i was getting my leg amputated and after 30 my mom made my dad take me to the ER to make sure i didnt have anything wrong with me cause i am allergic to alot of things. so i was in the ER and they made me soak my foot in warm water and they told me that i was supposed to leave my foot in the water for up to 2 hours which my dad didnt do and that viniger doesnt do crap for it. SO i sat in the ER for a hour and a half. THen they took me in a wheel chair to this place where they watch you for a while. while i was there i was put on a bed and watched for a while then the pain came back again and it hert really bad so they put my foot in hot water again but after they found out it wasnt going to work they gave me this numbing stuff so i could go home and wow that helped alot cause i could feel anything after the first injection it made my foot almost completely numb and i looked at my foot and there were whole from the injections all over my foot. It looked like somthing from those shows whith grusome scenes. Then they cleaned it up and put me back on the wheel chair and finally let me go home and the rest of the day i just hung out and did nothing and i tried to go back into the water again th next day and i caught 2 waves and got to scared to go back in again because of my fear of getting stung again so i hubg out on the beach with my cousin and the went to some local surf shops and looked for stuff.
THat was my weekend
Pretty much if you dont want to read my story i got stung my a sting ray and it hurt like a b*tch