Your Deadly Sins
Lust: 60%
Sloth: 60%
Envy: 40%
Greed: 40%
Pride: 20%
Wrath: 20%
Gluttony: 0%
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 34%
You'll die while in the throws of passion - the best way to go.
How Sinful Are You? The way I die amuses me. XD~~
I was tired, but I couldn't go to beddie boo~<3 SO I drew rough sketches for a OLD project of mine, I thought I should update it. Thus I did..
La la~ Today I went out, I was gonna go see a movie with Sarah, she called and asked me to go. I was in a slothy mood and didnlt want to go, but I said I would because I DO NOT HATE HER~! XD Instead of watching a movie (we were late) we went to the mall. She picked up her friend Lindsay. Lindsay was so cute, XD the poor dear kept falling for Sarah's tricks.
Sarah: You dropped a dollar...
Lindsay: Oh... *looks* ... HEY!
*few minutes later*
Sarah: You dropped a dollar.
Lindsay: Really? *looks* HEY!
Rod: o___o... *looks around*
We only ate at the mall, we went into hot topic. I saw this guy I ment once when I went to the dentist. He works there now~! He made small conversation with me at the dentist LONG ago, when I had braces. I told him about Sarah because he and her went to the same school. @__@ He did not know her. BUT they know eachother now, because he was talking to her like friends! Then he asked if I was the kid from the dentist, and I said YES! >__>;; Then I said that was the Sarah I was talking about, and he was like "OOOH okii!"
He is very pretty... Damn him... But he has too many facial peircings. But he is still very pretty. @__@;
After the mall, we went to Lindsay's house, Sarah had to curel her hair. Then I went home.
I played MS with Tess. She tricked me!! XD I told her to get to level 30 soon! And when I came back she said she was not there yet, so I was going to meet her, and she said NO! We ment very shortly after. She did level to 30! Silly Tess! I was happy! My computer was acting funny, so I restarted it, but after I restarted it me and Tess did not play MS anymore, we just talked, we were tired, I AM TIRED! XD But I won't go to sleep for a while.
No photos yet. ;__;