
Mar 31, 2006 16:31

run!!! i've been tagged... by batamone!

I. Name 5 things you like most (with a brief commentary):

1. that time right before bedtime where i just sit in bed... and pretty much waste time! i might choose to read, write mean things in my "hate" journal, stare at the wall, polish my nails,... =)

2. socks with no holes! i love putting on a pair of fresh, clean, socks, that have elasticity but no holes.

3. family + albert (at least for now ;) ). no reason... just because.

4. friends who i believe will always be my friends. a worthwhile investment ;) here's a shout out to all the "losers", MITy people out, and random folk picked up along the way...!

5. and instant noodle! even though i think it is my obligation to recognize... TOFU. yum.

II. Now, tag 5 people whom you want to take this poll:

i only have 5 friends total on livejournal
(2 of which have already been tagged before)...
how am i supposed to tag 5 people?
hmm... jinglechick, baagaa, and mr_albert
(if you feel like being tagged, you can be it)
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