(no subject)

Mar 18, 2008 19:18

ive never concentrated too hard on my bed. its always just been a place to crash, so why should i spend a bunch of thought and money on it. but this - http://www.animicausa.com/animi.html- really strikes my interest. configurable shit is the most awesome. i may get it. but not now. because i feel drunk.

its good, cuz work has been pretty intense the last 10 days or so, and will be until this coming friday. i worked last week i earned like about 18 hrs overtime, then did like 12 hour days over the weekend, then am doing like 10-12 hour days this whole week. its fuckin LIBERATING. and restraining at the same time. its so awesome being wanted to go and work w/this drill rig. the guys came up from new mexico to drill these wells, im out in rancho murietta working with them. its pretty intense shit, people pay alot of money for this kinda stuff, its for the school district. apparently somebody took a picture of me and the drillers the other day and sent it to the local paper.

at the same time, im geting so wrapped up in. when the days are this long and the period is this long its easy for it to just become my whole life. im pretty much in conflict about how much i appreciate my job for the opportunities it gives me, and how much time and personality it robs from me. personality: i mean i have to be a different person on the job, its not relaxing.

oh fuck me, im complaining so hard. my job rules, i couldnt hope to get another job which pays me so well, gives me the perks, and is so forgiving my cavalier and relaxed attitude.

but then again, this is really the only career type job ive ever had. wouldn't it suck to only realize how good im having it by quitting and only being able to get a shittier job?

fuck it, fear is no way to live life.

this thought process spawns from a discussion w/a coworker about planned trip to europe. he does not think i will be able to keep my job while travelling, and would have to cut my trip even shorter. fuck that, im gonna go spend some money before the dollar is completely worthless. besides. WHAT IS KEEPING ME HERE? pretty much only my job. i would be a fool to think that the job i got near my college town is the best i will ever get.

I WANT TO GO DO GEOLOGY SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN THE CENTRAL VALLEY. fuck sedimentary deposits, pedogenesis, fluvial channels, the rocklin pluton, mehrton formation, ione formation, laguna formation, flood plains, thinly bedded clay layers, and gravelly silty sands with some cobbles, light brown, 5y/r 2/3, saturated, moderatly loose, metavolcanic, subrounded, finegrained at 188 feet!

at the same time, i love it.
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