-*:*-...BuSt A NuT AlL OvA YoUr SeLf...-*:*-<....wata good song

Mar 07, 2005 18:07

hey hoes n skanks......n2mh bord as a mother lets see what did reem do today my every day thing ....tanning....dont kno what i would do wit out it....lol

k.j:whats ur guyzes hobbys
Jay n me: umm tanning....n siting in our little circle.....lmfaooooooooooooo god that was a gr8 time T

n yea umm i served my detiontion today n have to do one tomro.....ughhh! it was so gay....but me n jess rote letters back n forth talken bout the hot guys that were there lol jessi....this joe n u just pointed no that wasnt oveious that we were talken bout him.....rofl.... how funnie....

JaMiE....JeSs....DaNa...SaRaH..DeLiLa...JeSs..anywaz....i still cant belvev i said that to marvin....god that was fucking so funnie!!!!!!!!well im out got nuffin else to say

CaNt WaIt TiLl ThURsDaY N FrIdAy....HaHAHAhAH JaY u KNo WhAt I mEaN

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