Wizards, in this universe, have been around since the beginning, their powers essentially being a genetic mutation. They lived in relative harmony with normal humans until about the 1500's. This was the period of time in which wizards decided to start forming their own country. This, of course, caused many humans without powers to become uncomfortable, seeing this as a plan for eradication instead of a unification of like people. At first, the wizards formed their country in France, the leader of this small tribe of wizards was Dion. Dion was an extremely powerful wizard, whose origins are mostly unknown.
Eventually a war broke out amongst wizards and normal people. There were many casualties on both sides, Dion included. The wizards decided the best choice of action was to run away, finding an isolated island, now called Clandestin, and hiding out. Eventually, wizards became part of a mythos, slipping into legend.
Cut to modern times. Clarite, the capitol city for Wizards, is an aristocracy. Basically imagine 1700's France, pre-Revolution; three basic clans and lots of little specific clans within those. There isn't so much of a royal family as a royal clan; these are people who were connected to Dion hundreds of years ago. Later immigrants to Clandestine are either a part of the middle or lower clans. Of course the royal clan is the smallest, but holds the most power. There are two major power figures within the Wizard community. The Royal Council, a group of wizards from the royal clan who vote and decide on issues along side the Queen or King. The Queen or King can be chosen in two ways, either through blood, or, if the blood line dies out for some reason, the Royal Council can pick from amongst the Royal Clan a candidate for the crown. This person becomes the Regent leader until a time the Royal Council deems fit for them to take over the duties of the crown fully.
Nike's mother was part of the royal clan, but decided she was sick of the politics and left Clarite. Unfortunately the politics followed her. The Royal council, after the current royal line who held the crown died out, decided they wanted Nike, who was only 14 at the time, to be the next in line to lead the country.
This, leads us to our heroine.
- Loyalists (politically more to the right)
- Loyal to royalty.
- Made of upper classer
- Most of council is made of these guys
- Not loyal to the queen persay, but loyal to what will benefit the royals of clarite the most
- Generally not corrupt, just swayed easily by money or words
- Politically right
- Culturally they like the status quo, don’t want to change their status as a hidden country,
- Financially though they are BEGINNING to suffer, they don’t want to lose money or be taxed, open to change on the socially isolationist view they’ve held up til now.
- Commoners, perhaps called liberals. Or maybe something else silly. Libbies. Meebbbeee
- No real organization, for the people but what people.
- Middle and lower class.
- Culturally they are mixed, much of the older generation holds an isolationist view they don’t want to open up to outsiders. However a lot of the younger generation has a different view
- Financially they are suffering, over taxed, burdened by the ruling class.
- This is a large majority of those who are living in clandestine.
- Ex-pats / abandonists?
- People who have left clandestine.
- All different backgrounds but ten to be from upper class.
- Have to keep their powers hidden.
- Two types:
- Those who leave under allowance of government:
- Like nike’s family
- Rich. Can afford to go through the paper work to do this
- Agree to remain loyal to the government.
- Can practice magic freely
- Those who escape without notifying the government
- Usually poorer, or leave under extreme political duress
- Like shinji’s family
- Leftists:
- Poorer normally
- Want to overthrow government, redistribute wealth
- Take out nike and all the council members. Symbolic and literal control over the people
- Try to appear more appealing, “one of the people” however they are violent and use very extreme methods
- Conservatives:
- Want more control for the royals. Only an elite society in the royal club really belongs to this group
- Want to keep a tight reign of power
- Usually hirer others for their work
- Smaller group, dying in power