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1. Mute this video
2. Set it to any song. Any song.
3. Play.
I’ve synced it to the full-length (music vid version) of Bad Romance and then the normal version of Paparazzi. Do it. You’ll shit bricks. I like to call this the penultimate of all AMVs. It seems to go to any song you set it to. Even Single Ladies. It’s amazing. Also, make sure the song and video play at the exact same time for full-effect. :)
Holy shpaksdjgndaslg it's so amazing. I played Pokerface, What is Love, Videogame soundtracks, Make a Man Out of You, Run Devil Run, and like a lot others
And then
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Layton/Wright crossover
I was pretty busy these days guys, like to the point of trying to wring my own neck from all the stress I've been getting lately. Funfest is a festival at my school, and it's coming up pretty soon, so I was super busy preparing for that as well as handling projects and tests and PSATs. Also, no time to draw!! FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU--
This is what I'm selling <3
Also 2010 offers worlds of opportunities.