drats! i can't fart as freely anymore...

Apr 04, 2013 16:28

I feel like I want to play Bioshock and I don't even know what it is...

Work updates!

A new department moved in the empty offices next to us. One of them used to be in my old building and she told me my drawing was still up there cause they liked it and didn't want to get rid of it. I'm touched =^w^=

There's a new guy at my office! Finally, after being alone for over two years, this department is now population: 2. We had to share a room though, so I gave him my desk and had to find a smaller one for me to fit in the room. Although somehow I think I still occupy more space than him.

Me on the far right! Obviously, with all my crap on it.

My wall of very important notes!

//I really wanna do something outdoorsy tomorrow...

arts & crafts, work

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