One Step At A Time

Mar 31, 2009 17:49

So many things to do,
So many things to learn,
Not ever enough time in the world.

Do you ever experience those times when you just are overwhelmed with so many things and you feel like you have so little time to do them, like you have to do it all now and you don't know which one to start first or which is more important so in the end, you end up not doing any of it at all? Kinda feeling like that a bit.

Lists, they can help:

  • Assignment: Entrepreneurship
  • Assignment: DANE Workbook 1
  • Assignment: DANE Workbook 2
  • Request pick-up: 0_Cheonsa_0
  • Request pick-up: Andersonmom
  • Request pick-up: Dongbangsuju
    [I've got the ideas down for those. They're all a bit complicated - for me - but doable, I hope.]
  • Find new place for next year (they're kicking me out of here, but I'l talk about that next time)
  • Choose next year's modules
  • Of course, studying for the exams in May >w<

    Well, since the Easter break just started, I'm hoping this will give me enough free time, though it doesn't feel like it. =3= But I do love the emptiness of this place now, since nearly everyone's gone for the holidays. It's much more peaceful.

    So one of the laundry machines was 'Out Of Order'. I was just pondering... who came up with that expression? If I thought about it, why not 'Broken' or 'Not Working'? Isn't that more straightforward? 'Out Of Order'... so does that mean that it's 'In Chaos'? Do not use this machine, it's in chaos. This machine is disorganised right now, please use another one. Not that it's wrong, of course, it just made me realise the string of words people put together to mean something is just... creative.
  • stupid rambles, thoughts

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