Title: Lie In The Sound
Summary: Takes place over two weeks of time. Rikku has hidden her pregnancy from Gippal for months, but when something goes wrong and her life is on the line, everyone is forced to come to reality. Completed June 21, 2005.
...all my wants resolve to no avail with each passing sunset. I can’t tell him. I won’t tell him. Title: The Echo
Summary: Sequel to Lie In The Sound. When Rikku returns to Besaid with the baby, Gippal returns alone to Djose. But can Rikku handle Telan alone... can Gippal handle being alone at all? Completed February 19, 2006. Sequel: Journey's End.
“I love you, Rikku… I always have, and I always will, no matter what happens. And I know that somewhere in that confusing heart of yours, you love me, too.” Title: Journey's End
Summary: IN PROGRESS. Sequel to The Echo. A new development threatens to ruin Gippal and Rikku's newfound happiness. How can Gippal tell her about Adena? And how can Rikku live with the knowledge? Chapter 15: Breathe, posted July 18, 2007.
"Don’t push me,” I whispered, my voice a menacing growl that I’d never heard escape my lips before.
PLEASE read these and leave me commentary, either here or at Fanfiction.net. I'm trying to finish Journey's End, and I'm having difficulties, and I need the inspiration to finish it. You all have the reviewing power!!!
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