I make-ah some 'erbow tea!

Mar 01, 2005 20:22

Today i went to jew school with benny, and on the way we stopped and said hi to Gih-bert (i think that's his name) at Quizno's. I found out that Benny got the other half of the scholarship to washington (i got the first half), which totally blew my mind. i also found out that wilder (arriel(from jew school)'s boyfriend) now thinks i am super-awesome because on his lj, he posted a long quote from a movie, and everyone was like, "whoa, what movie is that from?" and im like "Its from weird al's movie UHF." She said she was at his house and he started screaming like "WHOA!! JIMMY'S AWESOME!! OH MY GOD!"

tha end

-- p.s. don't miss "Ghandi 2: no more mr. nice guy!"

pps you can read wilders lj post here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/theinvincebleed/51955.html
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