hockey rules when you're not playing very seriously. I was put at wing for the second half, which was fun. Scored five (possibly more, I lost count) goals; two off penalty corners.
tasia357, what was the score? I have no idea. it was too massive to count.
This makes me laugh for some reason -- Conchita Campbell and Jacqueline McKenzie with the 4400 swear jar ("property of Conchita Campbell")
I was just reading the
news section of Jacqui's website - it cracks me up.
I've started to re-realise my love for The 4400. Can you freaking believe that they axed it mid-season-three here?!
OotP is coming out on the 11th! (being next Wednesday) going to see it either Friday or Saturday at the 9:30pm session and dressing up.
Deathly Hallows in two(ish) weeks. yay, I'm excited.
HOW is Justine Henin out of Wimbledon?!?!!?!?!?